You are trying to open an Excel file and you get a message about the file being locked. Sometimes the file is locked by another user, and other times the "another user" is actually you. If you have locked the file yourself, it might be because the file is open on a different device...
The maximum size of an Excel file that is supported by the Excel Online (Business) connector is 25 MB. An Excel file may be locked for an update or delete up to 6 minutes since the last use of the connector. Simultaneous file modifications made by other connectors, or manual edits are ...
Arrows that show the relationship between the active cell and its related cells. Tracer arrows are blue when pointing from a cell that provides data to another cell, and red if a cell contains an error value, such as #DIV/0!. Trendline A graphic representation of trends in data series, s...
This in turn causes the original Excel file to be locked open.For example, User A opens a blank new Excel doc. Then, from within this blank Excel doc, User A uses the File --> Open option within Excel to open another Excel document called ...
Some cells that were not locked became locked after loading an SJS file then exporting to another SJS file.(DOCXLS-9401) The returned value of fromJson does not contain formula error.(DOCXLS-9402) Exception is thrown on calling Workbook.ToJson() method.(DOCXLS-9406) Exception is thrown on...
page 50120 "WebViewerA" { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'WebViewer', Locked = true; PageType = CardPart; layout { area(Content) { usercontrol(WebViewer; WebPageViewer) { #region ControlAddInReady trigger ControlAddInReady(callbackUrl: Text) begin CurrPage.WebViewer.Navigate('https://...
Why does Excel say the file is locked by me? The Excel file may say it’s locked if the user who shared it with you is currently editing the document. It can also be because the Office app running in the background has already opened the file. Another reason would be that the Excel...
Address Error TF208104: Hierarchical Link Relationship Is Locked: If you receive error TF208104, your changes to the fields are published, but changes to the link hierarchy aren't. This error occurs because another process locks at least one of the link relationships for the work item, such...
When the device information SimplePageHeaders setting is set to False, the worksheet rows that contain the headers become locked rows. You can freeze or unfreeze the pane in Excel. If the Excel settings for printing titles are configured to print these header rows, these headers get printed on...
If a file is open by another use, you should get an error like “The document file name is locked for editing by another user. To open a read-only copy of his document, click...”. As for detecting file is open by which user, you may need this