You are trying to open an Excel file and you get a message about the file being locked. Sometimes the file is locked by another user, and other times the "another user" is actually you. If you have locked the file yourself, it might be because the file is open on a different device...
Q1: What should I do when an Excel file is locked by another user? If an Excel file is locked by another user, try asking them to close the file. If that doesn't work, try making a copy of the file and working on the copy instead. Q2: How to customise how Excel starts? To cu...
This in turn causes the original Excel file to be locked open.For example, User A opens a blank new Excel doc. Then, from within this blank Excel doc, User A uses the File --> Open option within Excel to open another Excel document called ...
A box will appear that asks you to “Select the computer you want the snap-in to manage“. If you are logged in on the server where the locked Excel file resides, choose “Local computer“. If you are logged in at a different computer, select “Another computer“, then type or Browse...
An Excel file may be locked for an update or delete up to 6 minutes since the last use of the connector. Simultaneous file modifications made by other connectors, or manual edits are not supported. Users should avoid writing data to a single Excel file from multiple clients concurrently (Exce...
Locked field or record The condition of a record, field, or other object in a database that permits it to be viewed but not changed (read-only) in Query. M Top of Page Mapped range A range in an XML list that has been linked to an element in an XML map. ...
page 50120 "WebViewerB" { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'WebViewer', Locked = true; PageType = CardPart; SourceTable = Customer; layout { area(Content) { usercontrol(WebViewer; WebPageViewer) { #region ControlAddInReady trigger ControlAddInReady(callbackUrl: Text) begin CurrPage.WebVie...
Some cells that were not locked became locked after loading an SJS file then exporting to another SJS file.(DOCXLS-9401) The returned value of fromJson does not contain formula error.(DOCXLS-9402) Exception is thrown on calling Workbook.ToJson() method.(DOCXLS-9406) Exception is thrown on...
If multiple users are accessing the same file on a shared network drive, and one user has the file open, another user trying to open it might trigger Excel to create a copy to prevent conflicts. Solution: Ensure that only one user at a time is accessing the file if it's stored on a...
If a file is open by another use, you should get an error like “The document file name is locked for editing by another user. To open a read-only copy of his document, click...”. As for detecting file is open by which user, you may need this