=INDIRECT("C"&MATCH(F2&G2,$A$1:$A$13&$B$1:$B$13,0))3. OFFSET 函数:OFFSET 函数根据指定的偏移量,返回某个单元格范围的引用。基本语法:OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])reference 是原始单元格的引用,rows 和 cols 是要偏移的行数和列数,height 和 width 是可选参数,...
1、COLUMN 语法:COLUMN(reference) 说明:返回给定引用的列标。 2、ROW 语法:ROW(reference) 说明:返回引用的行号。 3、ADDRESS 语法:ADDRESS(row_num,column_num,abs_num,a1,sheet_text) 说明:按照给定的行号和列标,建立文本类型的单元格地址。 4、INDIRECT 语法:INDIRECT(ref_text,a1) 说明:返回由文本字符串...
查找和引用函数:vlookup、hlookup、lookup、choose、match、index、indirect、column、row、offset、getpivotdata; 01、VLOOKUP 函数 VLOOKUP 函数 语法:VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) 说明:在表格或区域中按行查找内容 实例: 02、HLOOKUP 函数 HLOOKUP 函数 语法:HLOOKUP(look...
index(reference,row_num,column_num,area_num) 参数:reference是对一个或多个单元格区域的引用;row_number是要从中返回引用中的行编号;column_num是要从中返回引用的引用中的列编号;area_number用于选择要从中返回row_number和column_num的交叉点的引用区域 数组形式 返回指定的数值或数值数组 index(array,row_nu...
Logical: Returns a calculated array of a specified row and column size, by applying a LAMBDA MAP (2024) Logical: Returns an array formed by mapping each value in the array(s) to a new value by applying a LAMBDA to create a new value MATCH Lookup and reference: Looks up values in ...
Logical: Returns a calculated array of a specified row and column size, by applying a LAMBDA MAP (2024) Logical: Returns an array formed by mapping each value in the array(s) to a new value by applying a LAMBDA to create a new value MATCH Lookup and reference: Looks up values i...
Logical: Returns a calculated array of a specified row and column size, by applying a LAMBDA MAP (2024) Logical: Returns an array formed by mapping each value in the array(s) to a new value by applying a LAMBDA to create a new value MATCH Lookup and reference: Looks up values in ...
函数语法:VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])(找谁,在哪儿找,返回第几列的内容,精确找还是近似找) 注意事项:1、查找值位于第一位参数 2、如果查找值与数据区域内关键字的数据类型不一致,会返回错误值 3、第三列的参数,不能理解为工作表中的实际的列号,而是指定返回值在查找范围...
It successfully constructs the code but when I attempt to insert it into a vlookup function: =VLOOKUP(A2,INDIRECT("D1"),2,FALSE) A2 = a name D1 = the constructed filepath The formula only gives either a #N/A error or a ref error, ive tried every variation i can think of and I...
Bonus: a Name applied to a table column will also expand to include the newly appended cell.Regarding Structured References: I believe OssieMac was not correct in saying that "Items_List[Name]" is a reference to the entire column, including the header. That syntax is a ‘readable’ synony...