error if invalid cell reference ' 如果引用无效,返回#REF!错误 End If End Function 这个代码并不复杂,主要包括两部分,一是地址格式转化,二是获取地址所在单元格的值。需要注意的是,函数的参数是一个文本型数据(String),这一点与Excel内置的INDIRECT函数相同。不同的是,INDIRECT函数的参数如果是R1C1格式,需要补...
The Indirect Function in Excel is a versatile tool that allows users to create dynamic cell references indirectly within formulas. Instead of directly referencing a specific cell address, the Indirect Function takes a text string as an argument and interprets that string as a cell reference. This ...
Since I have all my employee ID and as the employee ID will not be continuous. I have listed it in a separate workbook in "Sheet1's" A column and with indirect reference like shown below for "Date of birth" =indirect("'["&$a2&"]personal_details'!$B$6",1) Similarly for the "D...
The formula works as expected. However, I want to get rid of using cell addresses directly. So, I was planning to useINDIRECTcombined withADDRESSbut it doesn't work: =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN()+1)),0,0,10,1)="",0,0),0) I did some more tests and f...
Indirect reference I have a file .xlxs with several sheets - each sheet with its own name (of course) - and I need to reffer to these sheets through a formula, but I need to use the content of a cell to compose the for...
If the cell range mentioned in the ref_text argument is outside the row limit or column limit of Excel worksheets, the function indicates it with a #REF! error. When using R1C1 style cell reference in ref_text, if the value of the second argument is TRUE, the INDIRECT function returns...
Note: External references are not supported in Excel Web App. If ref_text refers to a cell range outside the row limit of 1,048,576 or the column limit of 16,384 (XFD), INDIRECT returns a #REF! error. A1 Optional. A logical value that specifies what type of reference is contained ...
Reference in text form.The function only needs one argument, the reference to a cell but in Text format. Transform the writing of the reference.The fixed part will be written in quotation marks and the variable part outside the quotation marks ...
To help you in doing the change from text writing of a cell coordinate to a reference form in a formula, then you can use excel INDIRECT formula. INDIRECT function in excel can help you to turn a coordinate text data into a cell reference as you need in data analysis. It is very ...
external Excel files in Excel Online, however, the references in your INDIRECT formula may need to be modified. Instead of a local file path, you must use a URL pointing to the online file. A URL reference to an Excel file in OneDrive for Business or SharePoint should be formatted as ...