TheCOLUMNSfunction will give the total column number of the selected rangeA4:C9. Now you can add the total column number with the first column and thensubtract 1to ensure the number of the last column of the range. Press theENTERkey. Then, you will get the last column number. Let’s c...
importxlwingsasxwdefget_last_used_column_in_row1():# 打开活动的工作簿 获取活动的工作表 获取第1行的已使用区域的最后一个单元格last_cell=sheet.range('A1').expand('right').last_cell# 获取最后一列的列号last_column=last_cell.columnreturnlast_column# ...
; filename= Winapi::getOpenFileName(0, filter, WinAPI::getFolderPath(#CSIDL_Personal),"Select file for upload",'','');if(!winAPI::fileExists(filename,false))return;if(!Box::yesNo(strfmt("Upload this file %1", filename), dialogButton::No))return;try{; wo...
last_row=ws.max_row last_row_data=[]foriinrange(1,ws.max_column+1):last_row_data.append(ws.cell(row=last_row,column=i).value)print(last_row_data) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 上面的代码中,我们首先获取了最后一行的行号last_row,然后通过循环获取了该行的所有数...
intlastColumnIndex = cellExtra.getLastColumnIndex(); //获取初始值 合并单元格左上角的值 Object initValue = getInitValueFromList(firstRowIndex, firstColumnIndex, excelDataList); //设置值 把合并单元格左上角的值 设置到合并区域的每一个单元格 ...
LastColumnIndex 數值 表格最後一欄的數值 LastRowIndex 數值 表格最後一列的數值例外狀況展開表格 例外狀況描述 無法從表格擷取範圍 指示從 Excel 的表格中擷取範圍時發生問題自動填入 Excel 工作表中的儲存格根據其他範圍的資料,在 Excel 執行個體的使用中工作表中以資料自動填入範圍。輸入...
findLastColumn 1. int findLastColumn(SysExcelWorksheet _sysExcelWorksheet, boolean _data = true) { #Excel #define.Star('*') SysExcelRange sysExcelRange; int ret; ; sysExcelRange = _data ? _sysExcelWorksheet.cells().range(#ExcelDataRange) : ...
wherenis the index of the last column in the array. To force the CHOOSECOLS function to count the columns from right to left, we multiply each element of the generated sequence by -1. As a result, we get an array of negative numbers such as {-1;-2;-3}, which goes to thecol_num...
Get last used column for a row /// /// /// /// /// <returns></returns> public int LastColumnForRow(string fileName, string sheetName, int row) { int lastColumn = -1; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { Excel.Application xlApp = null; Excel.Workbooks xlWorkBooks = null; Excel...
The default Excel cell name is e.g A1, B2. The Excel Get Excel Location VIonly accepts default Excel name input. If I customize the name of a cell or a range of cells, how do I get the index of the last row and column by searching this custom cell nam