In this article, we will learn How To Find The Last Used Cell in One Column in Microsoft Excel 2010.Scenario:In simple words, while working with long unmannerly data, and then if needed to extract the column number of the last cell from range. We can use the below explained formula ...
Read more:How to Find Last Cell with Value in Column in Excel Method 2 – Getting the Last Cell with Value in a Row with the OFFSET Function in Excel If you know the number of columns and rows of your dataset, you can find the last cell value in any row by usingtheOFFSETfunction. ...
In this section, we will show you how to find the first blank cell in column with formula. Take below list of data as example, please do as follows.1. Select a blank cell for displaying the result. 2. Copy and paste formula =MIN(IF(A1:A23="",ROW(A1:A23))) into the Formula Bar...
Method 1 – Find the Lowest Value in a Column Using the AutoSum Feature Steps: Select the cell you want your minimum value to be displayed. In the Home tab, go to Editing. Go to the ΣAutoSum function and click on the down arrow beside it. Select Min from the drop-down list. Se...
Column 否 文字值 儲存格欄的數值或字母。 Direction 無法使用 向左、向右、向上、向下 Left 選取位移方向。 選取要在何處尋找應根據目前使用中儲存格位置啟用的儲存格。 Offset from active cell 否 數值 目前使用中儲存格與所需儲存格之間的距離 (儲存格數)。 編號從 0 開始。 資料列 否 數值 儲存格列的數...
4、n = Range(Column & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row End Function 注意,要输入新数据的列可能与我们所查找最后一行时所使用的列不同, 例如,在上例中,我们可以修改为在 B列中查找该列的最后一行,而在 A 列相 应行的下一行中输入新的数据。使用 Find 方法Find 方法在当前工作有数据中进行查找,不需要指定列...
llastcolumn = oRange.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column Debug.Printllastcolumn Using End(xlUp) Use the following to obtain the address of the last non-empty cell in column "A". The last row is the last visible row taking into account Filtering...
Sometimes, You may need to find and select the first blank cell or last blank cell in a column, these macros can help you. Find and Select the First Blank
Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row End With MsgBox xLastRow End Sub Copy Note: The A in the code means it will find out the last cell with data in Column A, and you can change it based on your needs. 3. Press Run button or F5 key to running the VBA, then a dialog ...
Method 2 – Find First Blank Cell in a Specific Column Our dataset has5columns and2of them contain blanks. The4and6number columns contain blank cells. Step 1:Repeat theinstruction sectionto open and insertModuleinMicrosoft Visual Basic.