通用公式: date-DAY(date)+1 语法和参数 Date: the date that is used to find the first day of month. 回报值 它以日期格式返回当前月份的第一天。 这个公式如何运作 使用以下公式从单元格B3中的日期获取月份的第一天: =B3-DAY(B3)+1 媒体输入获得结果的关键。 说明 天函数:将给定日期的日期返回为数字。
=工作日(日期(年(B3),3,1)-1,1) =工作日(日期(2020,3,1)-1,1) =WORKDAY("2/29/2020",1) = 3/2/2020 获取一个月中的最后一个工作日 通用公式 WORKDAY(EOMONTH(date,0)+1,-1) 语法和参数 Date: the date that you want to get the last workday of its month. 回报值 公式返回5位序...
VBA:獲取月底日期。 FunctionLastDayInMonth(OptionalpDateAsDate=0)AsDate'Updateby20140723IfpDate=0ThenpDate=VBA.DateLastDayInMonth=VBA.DateSerial(VBA.Year(pDate),VBA.Month(pDate)+1,0)EndFunction Copy 3.保存並關閉窗口。 然後選擇一個單元格並鍵入此公式= LastDayInMonth(A2)(A2包含您要從中獲取...
Get the First Day of the Month Using EOMONTH EOMONTH Function gives you the last day of the month for a given date (hence called the end-of-month function). But we don’t want the last day of the month – we want the first day. To get the first of the month you need to tweak...
Date: the date that is used to find the first day of month. Return Value It returns the first day of the current month in date format. How this formula works Use below formula to get the first day of month from the date in cell B3:...
In this article, we will learn how to get Nth weekday of month in Excel.At Instance, while working with date values, sometimes we need to get the 2nd Wednesday of September given any date of the month in Excel. How to solve the problem?
This tutorial demonstrates how to use theExcel DAY Functionin Excel to get the day of the month. DAY Examples The DAY Function returns the day number of a date: =DAY(B3) Day Number of Year To calculate the day number of the year, subtract the first day of the year from your desired...
To find the first or last workday of month in the given date, you can use the formulas that combine the several functions. If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the example spreadsheet. Get the first workday in month...
Date1, date2: the two dates that you count the number of months based on. 回報值 該公式以日期格式返回一個值,您需要將結果格式設置為數字。 公式如何運作 要計算單元格B3和C3中日期之間的月份,請使用以下公式: =YEARFRAC(C3,B3)*12 媒體推薦Enter鍵,然後將填充手柄向下拖動到要應用此公式的單元格。
Get Last Day of Month With theEOMONTH Functionit is really straightforward to calculate the last day of a month. =EOMONTH(B3,0) The syntax of theEOMONTH functionis EOMONTH(start_date, months). The ‘months’ argument specifies the number of months before or after the start_date. ...