It returns the first day of the current month in date format. How this formula works Use below formula to get the first day of month from the date in cell B3:=B3-DAY(B3)+1 Press Enter key to get the result. Explanation DAY function: returns the day from the given date as number...
date-DAY(date)+1 语法和参数 Date: the date that is used to find the first day of month. 回报值 它以日期格式返回当前月份的第一天。 这个公式如何运作 使用以下公式从单元格B3中的日期获取月份的第一天: =B3-DAY(B3)+1 媒体输入获得结果的关键。 说明 天函数:将给定日期的日期返回为数字。 由于日期...
In practice, instead of specifying a date within the MONTH function, it's more convenient to refer to a cell with a date or supply a date returned by some other function. For example: =MONTH(A1) - returns the month of a date in cell A1. =MONTH(TODAY()) - returns the number of ...
=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), 1)- returns the first day of the current year and month. =DATE(2015, 5, 20)-5- subtracts 5 days from May 20, 2015. At first sight, the Excel DATE function looks very simple, however, it does have a number of specificities pointed out in ...
Method 1 – Getting Same Date of Next Month with EDATE Function Steps: Select the output cells in the C5:C9 range. Under the Home tab ribbon, choose the Short Date format from the drop-down in the Number group of commands. The selected range of cells is now prepared to show data in ...
Read More: How to Convert Date to Day of Year in Excel Method 2 – Using Combined Functions to Convert Date to Month and Year in Excel Steps: Follow the steps from Method 1 to fill up the MONTH and YEAR columns. Select cell F5. Type the following CONCAT formula: =CONCAT(D5,"-",...
WORKDAY(DATE(YEAR(date),MONTH(date),1)-1,1) 语法和参数 Date: the date that you want to get the first workday of its month. 回报值 公式返回5位序列号,可以将结果格式化为日期格式,方便查看。 这个公式如何运作 单元格 B3 包含您需要获取当月第一个工作日的日期,请使用以下公式: ...
Take below date list as an example, if you want to get the year, month and day numbers from this list, please do as follows step by step.Extract the year number 1. Select a blank cell for locating the year number, such as cell B2. ...
Every Date has a day name. In Excel, we can find the day name from Date. There are 7 days in a week named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can obtain the day name of any date in Excel using any method mentioned below. ...
基本公式是YEARFRAC(date1,date2),在公式末尾乘以12,將得到日期之間的十進制小數月份。 備註 如果要通過YEARFRAC函數獲得整數個月數,可以在INTEAR函數的前面添加INT函數,如下所示: INT(YEARFRAC(date1,date2)*12) 它計算的月份是四捨五入的。 相對公式 相關功能 高級合併行拆分 Excel 儲存格...