{ columnType = columnInfo[1].trim(); } final JavaFileTypeEnum javaFileType = JavaFileTypeEnum .of(columnType) .orElse(JavaFileTypeEnum.UNKNOWN); final RelDataType sqlType = typeFactory.createSqlType(javaFileType.getSqlTypeName()); names.add(columnName); types.add(sqlType); if (fieldTypes...
通过Data>From Other Sources>FromSQLR2将表插入到SQLserver2008SQLServer中,并在Excel2010工作簿中检索该数据。日期以文本形式检索。对于表,尝试使用Convert、Cast、Datediff关键字来创建"date“字段。在Excel工作簿中,尝试在刷新前将列的 浏览1提问于2015-06-12得票数 0 ...
stringconnStr=@"Data Source=STKWX028\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Library;Integrated Security=True"; stringqueryStr=@"SELECT * FROM bookInfo"; SqlConnection _con=newSqlConnection(connStr); SqlDataAdapter adapter=newSqlDataAdapter(queryStr, connStr); DataSet ds=newDataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds); returnd...
1.) navigating to the "Data" menu 2.) select "Get Data" ribbon button 3.) select "from database" 4.) Select "From SQL Server Database" 5.) In the resulting dialog, enter the server name, the database name, and the following SQL script: ...
Power Query 作为桌面端数据清理和转换的工具,能极大解放生产力,将繁琐的数据处理工作从重复的劳动中...
Sub QuerySQLServer() Dim conn As Object Dim rs As Object Dim strSql As String Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User ID=UserName;Password=Password;" ...
5.) In the resulting dialog, enter the server name, the database name, and the following SQL script:DECLARE @return_value intEXEC @return_value = [dbo].[RateTableVsResourceTableGet] @IncludeInactive = 1SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_valueI am able to accomplish this query, and do not...
如需使用 ADO 和 CopyFromRecordset 方法的詳細資訊,請參閱如何使用自動化將數據從 ADO 記錄集傳輸至 Excel。 使用自動化在工作表上建立QueryTable QueryTable 物件代表從外部數據源傳回的數據所建置的數據表。 自動化 Microsoft Excel 時,只要提供 OLEDB 或 ODBC 數據源以及 SQL 字串的 連接字串,即可建立 QueryTa...
Power Query编辑器界面 9.说回合并工作簿,重点来了哈。选择content(内容)的双箭头点击,选择参数1,...
service tasks for business intelligence. Importing the business intelligence data from SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services is one of the first steps required before any analysis can be done. Typically, IT departments control the back-end data for organizations and can answer several important questions:...