1.) navigating to the "Data" menu 2.) select "Get Data" ribbon button 3.) select "from database" 4.) Select "From SQL Server Database" 5.) In the resulting dialog, enter the server name, the database name, and the following SQL script: ...
Before I foundedSQL Spreads(an Excel Add-in to Import and Update SQL Server data from within Excel), I worked as a Business Intelligence consultant for many years using Microsoft’s BI-tools, such as SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services and Excel, among others. I’ve found that when worki...
cur.execute(sql)#输入要查询的SQLrel =cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close()returnreldefgetxlsx(rel):'''把从数据库中查询出来的数据写入excel文件 :param rel: :return:'''file_name= time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') +'.xlsx'dret= pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(rel))#mysql查询的结果为元组,...
def importData(path): # 数据库 createDataBase() database = sqlite3.connect("check.db") #文件类型 wildcard = ".xls" list = getFileList(path,wildcard,1) nfiles = len(list[0]) #文件名 file = list[0] #时间 time = list[1] #省份 province = list[2] # #文件类型 FileType = list...
Excel 数据导入MySQL的方式有很多,比如借助 Navicat,这一节内容我们来聊聊不借助第三方导入工具,将 Excel 数据导入 MySQL 的方法。 1 新建 Excel 文件 新建一个 Excel 文件,写入数据: 2将 Excel 转成 CSV 文件 点击Excel 的“文件”-“另存为”,然后把保存类型换成 CSV,如下图: ...
下载功能是的数据类型是使用的DataTable,也就是我们在DataTable中为用户提供列的名称放在一个DataTable中,让用户去下载。 具体代码实现 通过我们在代码中设置列的标题(或者让用户可配置),已list集合的方式传入此方法中 /// /// 定义导入数据的模板 /// 通过...
3、读取不同的Sheet,方式跟SQL类似:使用字符串 "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]" 表示。 stringconnectionString ="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=” + path+";Extended Properties=\”Excel12.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1\"";stringsqlSelect ="SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]";//Sheet1表示工作表的名称,可根...
1.) navigating to the "Data" menu2.) select "Get Data" ribbon button3.) select "from database"4.) Select "From SQL Server Database"5.) In the resulting dialog, enter the server name, the database name, and the following SQL script:...
database='bm' ) cursor1 = db1.cursor() cursor1.execute("SHOW TABLES") for x in cursor1: print('将插入MySQL表:', x) sql = ("INSERT IGNORE INTO 204_207 " + "(data, time, order_number, start_time, stop_time, time_quantum, type) " + ...
from sqlalchemyimporttypesimportopenpyxl filename=r'C:\Users\baoqi\Documents\test.xlsx'conn_string='oracle+cx_oracle://user:pass@host:port/dbname'engine=create_engine(conn_string,echo=False)pddata=pd.read_excel(filename,header=0,engine="openpyxl")pddata.to_sql('testtest',con=engine,if_exist...