While Randbetween() is a fantastic function to generate a random number between the specified numbers, there is a major drawback of using Randbetween(). It cannot generate random decimals. No worries. I will show you how to use Randbetween() to generate random decimals. You might also be ...
Method 1 – Generate Random Number with Decimals Using Excel RAND Function The RAND function returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. Enter the following formula in cell B5. =RAND() Drag the Fill Handle icon to populate the entire range (B5:G10) with the ...
Generate random numbers with specified decimal places between two numbers To create random numbers with specified decimal places, you need to change the RANDBETWEEN formula as this: Random numbers with one decimal place: =RANDBETWEEN(bottom*10, top*10)/10 Random numbers with two decimal places: =...
Here, B5 is the starting cell of decimal numbers and B5:B15 is the cell range for decimal numbers. Method 7 – Utilizing the Combination of RANK.EQ & COUNTIF Functions Let’s say you want to generate random numbers without repetition from 10 to 50. First, create a list of numbers betwe...
Rand Function generates values between 0 to less than 1. We always have output of the Rand function in decimals. The formula of RAND function is very simple because it has no arguments and provides the random output. Generate Random Numbers in Excel using RAND Syntax :- ...
=RANDARRAY(6, 4, 50, 200, TRUE) (Generate random integers between 50 and 200) =RANDARRAY(6, 4, 50, 200, FALSE) (Generate random decimals between 50 and 200) 注意: 在以上公式中: 6:表示返回6行隨機數; 4:表示返回4列隨機數; 50, 200:要在其間生成數字的最小值和最大值; TRUE: 表示...
And it will produce an array of random decimals without repeating numbers: If you need whole numbers, then set the last argument of RANDARRAY to TRUE: =INDEX(UNIQUE(RANDARRAY(30^2, 1, 1, 100, TRUE)), SEQUENCE(10,3)) How to generate unique random numbers in Excel 2019, 2016 and earl...
In a similar manner, to generate random numbers between 1 and 50 with 2 decimal places, you multiply the RANDBETWEEN function's arguments by 100, and then divide the result by 100 as well: =RANDBETWEEN(1*100, 50*100) / 100 How to generate random dates in Excel ...
Here’s how to generate random numbers in Excel. The RAND function TheRAND functionin Excel generates random real numbers greater than or equal to zero and less than one. The returned random numbers, other than zero, are decimal numbers. The formula operates without arguments or parameters. You...
Q3. Can I generate random numbers in Excel with a specific decimal precision, such as two decimal places? Yes, you can generate random numbers with a specific decimal precision in Excel. To achieve this, use the formula "=ROUND(RAND(), 2)" (for two decimal places). The "ROUND()" fun...