2. 插入新模块。在VBA编辑器中,依次点击菜单栏中的【插入】—【模块】,或者右击任意模块,选择“插入”,再选择“模块”,这两种方式都可以快速插入一个新的代码模块。3. 编写VBA代码。在新插入的模块中编写以下VBA代码来实现生成随机数的功能:Sub GenerateRandomNumbers()Dim count As Integer Dim total As In...
在新插入的模块中编写以下VBA代码来实现生成随机数的功能: Sub GenerateRandomNumbers() Dim count As Integer Dim total As Integer Dim sum As Double Dim i As Integer '指定生成随机数的个数和总和值 count = 10 total = 100 '生成随机数序列 Randomize For i = 1 To count Cells(i, 1) = Int((t...
关闭VBA编辑器,回到Excel工作表。按Alt+F8键打开宏对话框,选择“GenerateRandomNumbers”宏,点击“运行”。Excel会在A1到A10单元格中生成10个1到100之间的随机数。 六、生成特定分布的随机数 有时候,可能需要生成符合特定概率分布的随机数,例如正态分布、泊松分布等。可以通过Excel的函数或VBA代码实现。 1. 生成正...
How to Generate Random Numbers in Excel In the realm of Excel, the task of generating random numbers holds both intrigue and complexity. The need is universal for crafting sample datasets, running simulations, or random selections. Yet, Excel's array of randomizing functions—RAND(), RANDBETWEEN...
Sub CreateRandomNumbers() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5") rng.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 10) Next rng End Sub VBA 怎么生成唯一值的随机数?可以用字符串先连接起已生成的数字,再判断新数字是否已存在于旧字符串中,如果存在的话就重复再跑一次即可...
Sub GenerateUniqueRandomNumbers() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim uniqueNumbers() As Variant Dim randomNumber As Double Dim i As Integer '设置随机数范围 Set rng = Range("A1:A10") '根据实际需求修改范围 '初始化数组 ReDim uniqueNumbers(rng.Cells.Count - 1) ...
pip install random openpyxl 1. 3.2 编写主程序 下面是一个示例的主程序,用于生成100个0到1之间的随机数,并将其写入Excel表格中。 importrandomfromopenpyxlimportWorkbookdefgenerate_random_numbers(n):numbers=[]for_inrange(n):numbers.append(random.random())returnnumbersdefwrite_numbers_to_excel(numbers,fil...
Before deciding to use Excel to generate random numbers, check outthese GraphPad free web calculators. Random numbers from a uniform distribution This Excel formula generates a random value between 0.0 and 1.0. It is an Excel function, at least in name, so it needs to be followed by parenthes...
To restrict the values to whole numbers (i.e., integers), place the word “True” in the[whole_number]argument. Using the word “False” in the[whole_number]argument will generate decimal values. Generate Random Values without Repeats ...
Formula 1: Generate random numbers with decimals in Excel by Randbetween() (Simplest) What we are trying to do To generate random number between 50 to 80 with 2 decimal places Using Randbetween() the traditional way, we would have got random integer like 62, 71 or so. Therefore, we are...