While Randbetween() is a fantastic function to generate a random number between the specified numbers, there is a major drawback of using Randbetween(). It cannot generate random decimals. No worries. I will show you how to use Randbetween() to generate random decimals. You might also be ...
通常在Excel中使用生成隨機數的方法,也許在某些情況下,您希望生成隨機的十進制數,但是在其他情況下,您需要生成隨機整數。 在本教程中,我將介紹一些在Excel中生成隨機十進製或隨機整數的方法。 用公式生成隨機十進制數 使用插入隨機數據實用程序生成隨機十進製或整數 生成隨機十進制數 生成0到1之間的隨機十進制數 1....
Method 5 – RAND & RANDBETWEEN Functions to Generate Random Number The RAND function generates a number between 0 to 1. Use the formula if you want to generate unique decimal numbers. =RAND() The RANDBETWEEN function gives random numbers between two given numbers. For example, if you want ...
在本教程中,我将介绍一些在Excel中生成随机十进制或随机整数的方法。 用公式生成随机十进制数 使用插入随机数据实用程序生成随机十进制或整数 生成随机十进制数 生成0到1之间的随机十进制数 1.选择一个空白单元格,然后键入= RAND()进入它,然后拖动填充手柄以使用公式填充所需的范围。 2.然后选择您应用公式的范围,...
1.1 Generate random numbers in Excel To generate or insert multiple random numbers in a worksheet, the normal RAND or RANDBETWEEN function can help you a lot. Besides the formulas, there are other codes and easy tools that also can do you a favor. ...
=RANDARRAY(6, 4, 50, 200, TRUE) (Generate random integers between 50 and 200) =RANDARRAY(6, 4, 50, 200, FALSE) (Generate random decimals between 50 and 200) 注意: 在以上公式中: 6:表示返回6行隨機數; 4:表示返回4列隨機數; 50, 200:要在其間生成數字的最小值和最大值; TRUE: 表示...
RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0: This will mainly multiply RAND() with 9999 to generate only 4-digit random numbers. ROUND(RAND()*(9999-1000)+1000,0): This will remove the extra decimal numbers and generate only the 4-digit numbers. Method 5 – Generate 4 Digit Random Number Using LEFT ...
Generate random numbers between two numbers To create a list of random numbers within a specific range, supply the minimum value in the 3rdargument and the maximum number in the 4thargument. Depending on whether you need integers or decimals, set the 5thargument to TRUE or FALSE, respectively...
You can generate single or multiple random decimal numbers using the RAND function And with the RANDBETWEEN function, you can land on a random integer between a specified minimum and maximum limit. How cool is that? If you enjoyed learning about these functions in Excel, let me tell you ...
Excel RAND function - generate random real numbers TheRANDfunction in Excel is one of the two functions specially designed for generating random numbers. It returns a random decimal number (real number) between 0 and 1. RAND() is a volatile function, meaning that a new random number is gene...