First, we’ll discuss how to use VBA to iterate through each row of a range that contains a single column, then we’ll cover the process for multiple columns. Method 1 – Using VBA for Each Row in a Range with a Single Column To use VBA to iterate through each row in a range, we...
Range("a65536").End(3) 代表从 A65536 单元格往前查找到的第一个有数据的单元格 Range("a65536").End(3).Row 表示A列单元格最下面一个有数据的单元格的行号,假定最后使用的单元格行号为20,则 "a1:a" 与后面的连起来就表示"a1:a20"这些单元格。End(3)这个3代表常量 xlup,表示向上搜索。
Sheet2.Cells(a + 1, "h").Resize(es.Row - 4) = Now '保存日期时间 MsgBox "保存成功!" End If End Sub Sub 计算 Set es = Columns(3).Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious) For Each Rng In Range([c5], es) Rng.Offset(0, 2) = Rng.Offset(0, 1) * Rng Next End Sub 第...
MsgBox "行的绝对地址:" & Selection.Address(RowAbsolute:=False) MsgBox "列的绝对地址:" & Selection.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False) MsgBox "以R1C1形式显示:" & Selection.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) MsgBox "相对地址:" & Selection.Address(False, False) End Sub - - - - - - - - - -...
For Each rng In Range("b1:c7") If rng.Value = Target.Value Then rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 34 End If Next End Sub 代码的整体结构是Worksheet_SelectionChange事件。当单元格选择发生改变时,即触发事件将选中单元格传递到target参数。 Range("b1:c7").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone ...
rng.Copy Destination:=ws.Range("F1") 10、Delete:删除。 rng.Delete shift:=xlUp 11、EntireColumn,整列;EntireRow,整行。 rng.EntireColumn.Delete rng.EntireRow.Delete 12、Find:查找包含指定值的单元格: Set cell = rng.Find(What:=5, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) ...
For i = 1 To a r = Sheets(1).usedrange.SpecialCells(11).Row '已使用区域最后一行 c = Sheets(1).usedrange.SpecialCells(11).Column '已使用区域最后一列 If r > 1 Or c > 1 Then X = X + 1 End If Next MsgBox "当前工作薄共有" & a & "个工作表,其中" & X & "个工作表已使用"...
Insert this code in theModulewindow: Sub Loop_through_Rows() Dim z As Range For Each z In Range("B6:D10").Rows z.Cells(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Next End Sub The code will fill the second cell of each row in therange (B6:D10)with color. First, it will work onRow 6. Aft...
四、Range操作 4.2取得最后一个非空单元格 xlDown/xlToRight/xlToLeft/xlUp Dim ERow as Long Erow=Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 1 2 4.3 复制单元格区域 注意:使用PasteSpecial方法时指定xlPasteAll(粘贴全部),并不包括粘贴列宽 Sub CopyWithSameColumnWidths() ...