If Not cell.Comment Is Nothing Then cell.Comment.Delete End If cell.AddComment CStr(Now) Next 4、Address:Range对象的单元格区域地址。 Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(3, 3)) Debug.Print rng.Address '运行结果是:$A$1:$C$3 5、AutoFit:自动最合适行高、列宽 rng.Columns.Au...
Sub 循环工作表() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Sheets i = i + 1 Debug.Print "这是第" & i & "张表,名称为:" & ws.Name NextEnd Sub 2、循环单元格:Sub 循环单元格() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Set ws = ThisWorkbook...
You can also applytext valuesto each cell in the range. Instead ofCL.Value = 100, use your desired text value (e.g., “ExcelDemy”). CL.Value=“ExcelDemy” Visual Basic Copy Click on the command button and the VBA code will return this text value for each cell in the range. Tohi...
For Each cell In Range("A1:A5") MsgBox cell.Value Next cell End Sub 示例4:下面的代码与示例3的效果相同,但我们设置了代表单元格区域的对象变量并赋值,让For Each结构在对象变量代表的区域内循环遍历。 Sub ForEach4() Dim cell...
For Each cell In Range('A1:A5') MsgBox cell.Value Next cell End Sub 示例4:下面的代码与示例3的效果相同,但我们设置了代表单元格区域的对象变量并赋值,让For Each结构在对象变量代表的区域内循环遍历。 Sub ForEach4() Dim cell As Range, rng As Range '声明单元格对象变量 ...
For Each cell In Range("A:A") If cell.value = "3/11/2020" Then cell.Select MsgBox "Date found at " & cell.Address End If Next cell End Sub Output:The VBA codeperformedaloopthroughColumn Aand found thetargeted dateatcell A25. With this code, we could run a loop through acolumn...
一、普通循环方法 Sub Cycle()Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim MaxCnt As Long Dim arr As Variant Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Range("G9:G13")arr = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Cell.Resize(1, 8)))Cells(Cell.Row, "C").Clear For i = LBound(arr) ...
For Each cell In Range('A1:A5') MsgBox cell.Value Next cell End Sub 示例4:下面的代码与示例3的效果相同,但我们设置了代表单元格区域的对象变量并赋值,让For Each结构在对象变量代表的区域内循环遍历。 Sub ForEach4() Dim cell As Range, rng As Range '声明单元格对象变量 ...
1. First, we declare two Range objects. We call the Range objects rng and cell. Dim rng As Range, cell As Range 2. We initialize the Range object rng with Range("A1:A3"). Set rng = Range("A1:A3") 3. Add the For Each Next loop. For Each cell In rng Next cell Note: rng ...
For Each icell In sumrange If icell.Interior.ColorIndex = col.Interior.ColorIndex Then SumColor = Application.Sum(icell) + SumColor End If Next icell 2.根据颜色计数代码 Application.Volatile For Each i In ary2 If i.Interior.ColorIndex = ary1.Interior.ColorIndex Then CountColor = CountColor...