条件格式(Conditional Formatting)允许用户根据特定条件将格式应用于一个单元格或一系列单元格。 可以测试各种条件以应用格式: 根据值格式化单元格 格式化包含特定文本的单元格 格式化范围内排名靠前/靠后的单元格 格式重复 根据公式格式化单元格 基本用法 要使用条件格式,请选择要设置格式的单元格/单元格区域。 然后,从...
B10应写成$B10 应用使用确定要设置格式的单元格
Click on the Conditional Formatting iconin the ribbon, from theHomemenu SelectIcon Setsfrom the drop-down menu Click on the "3 Traffic Lights (Unrimmed)" option Now, the Speed value cells will have icons indicating how large the values are compared to the other values in the range: ...
If I am over budget by more than 10, it should be red. I have set the conditional formatting rules like this But it is not working for amber. There is 1 line item where the the budget was exceeded by 28%. But it isnot red. it is amber ...
in excel, you can use conditional formatting to visually emphasize data points. for instance, you could highlight cells with values above a certain threshold in a different color. to do this, select the cells, go to the home tab, click on conditional formatting, and choose the rule that ...
Excel 2003 1.从A2开始从上向下选择A2:A10区域,单击菜单“格式→条件格式”,在条件1下方的下拉列表中选择“公式”,在右侧文本框中输入 =b2="Unsatisfactory"2.单击“格式”按钮,设置字体格式为斜体,确定。Excel 2007:1.从A2开始从上向下选择A2:A10区域,单击功能区选项卡“开始→条件格式→新建...
For each case, copy the source data to a new range of cells on the worksheet containing the formatted cells and then update the conditional formatting rule to use the new range. One or more cells in this workbook contain a conditional formatting icon set arrangement that is no...
The Excel application has the option of creating fully customized conditional formatting rules. Conditional Formatting Example Here, the Speed values of each pokemon is formatted with aColor Scale: Note:Excel has several different color scales to pick from. ...
二、如何使用Conditional Formatting 1.打开Excel并选择需要进行条件格式化的单元格或单元格区域。 2.在Excel的菜单栏中找到“开始”选项卡,点击“条件格式”图标。 3.在弹出的下拉菜单中,可以选择常用的条件格式,比如“颜色比例尺”、“数据条”、“图标集”等。 4.如果需要自定义条件格式,可以选择“新建规则”。