条件格式(Conditional Formatting)允许用户根据特定条件将格式应用于一个单元格或一系列单元格。 可以测试各种条件以应用格式: 根据值格式化单元格 格式化包含特定文本的单元格 格式化范围内排名靠前/靠后的单元格 格式重复 根据公式格式化单元格 基本用法 要使用条件格式,请选择要设置格式的单元格/单元格区域。 然后,从...
When you use formulas in Conditional Formatting, you need to use the right type of cell reference (absolute, relative, or mixed). If you’re not using the right reference, the formula doesn’t work as expected, and that impacts the conditions formatting as well. Below, I have an example...
如下条件格式设置A2:A7单元格,当日期晚于今日日期时,字体变成红色并加黑。选择单元格 A2 到 A7。从 A2 拖动到 A7 以完成此操作。然后单击“开始” > “条件格式” > “新建规则”。在“新建格式规则”对话框中,单击“使用公式确定要设置格式的单元格”。在“为符合此公式的值设置格式”下,键入...
Hi I am trying to get the conditional formatting to work for my budget. The rules I want is if I am under budget (less than 0) , it should be green If I am over budget but less than 10, it should be amber If I am over budget by more than 10, it should be red. ...
Delete the existing conditional formatting rule, if any. On the Home tab of the ribbon, select Conditional Formatting > New Rule... Select 'Format only cells that contain'. Leave the first drop down set to 'Cell Value'. Select 'less than' from the second d...
Method 3 – Using IF and COUNTA Functions in Excel Conditional Formatting Here we have a dataset in which rangeB5:B9contains product names and rangeC5:C9contains their delivery status for Day 1. We are going to see that if the count of the “Delivered” in rangeC5:C9is the same as the...
Excel 2003 1.从A2开始从上向下选择A2:A10区域,单击菜单“格式→条件格式”,在条件1下方的下拉列表中选择“公式”,在右侧文本框中输入 =b2="Unsatisfactory"2.单击“格式”按钮,设置字体格式为斜体,确定。Excel 2007:1.从A2开始从上向下选择A2:A10区域,单击功能区选项卡“开始→条件格式→新建...
本文将详细介绍Excel的Conditional Formatting功能的高级应用,并提供相应的示例和说明。 一、数据条 数据条是Conditional Formatting功能中最常用的高级应用之一。它可以根据数值的大小,为单元格添加不同长度和颜色的数据条,从而直观地显示数据的相对大小。使用数据条可以方便地比较不同数值之间的差异。 例如,我们有一个...
This should fix row height doesn't apply to row #422, The worksheet.properties.defaultRowHeight can't work!! How to set the rows height, help!! #634 and Default row height doesn't work ? #696. Merged Always keep first font #854. Many thanks to Dmitriy Gusev for this contribution....