A common issue when Conditional Formatting is not working is when the formula does not return a TRUE or FALSE value. So, if you’re using a formula, double-check to ensure it works as expected. Pro Tip: You can first create the formula in a cell in a worksheet, and when you’re sa...
Solved: Hello, I'd like to seek for your help with fixing the conditional formatting I created on a table I visualized. What I have here are the
If I am over budget but less than 10, it should be amber If I am over budget by more than 10, it should be red. I have set the conditional formatting rules like this But it is not working for amber. There is 1 line item where the the budget was exceeded by 28%. But it isno...
Hi all I've set up up some RAG conditional formatting, which seems to work fine. However, I now want to change it, so that where column G reads "Filled" or "Archived / Not Required", it is excluded from the conditional formatting, i.e. the date in column I remains unfilled with c...
Conditional formatting not working anymore for non-measure fields 04-10-2023 06:12 PM I am connecting from Power BI Desktop to an SSAS cube. The conditional formatting pane is not providing aggregated value when I try to conditional format based on a regular text field. T...
I used EPPlus to generate excel file. my routine is working and generating excel file. i need to add conditional formatting for few cell. the condition would be if cell value is not empty and not 0 then cell background color will be red. i did it this way which is not working prope...
my routine is working and generating excel file. i need to add conditional formatting for few cell. the condition would be if cell value is not empty and not 0 then cell background color will be red. i did it this way which is not working properly....
Applying conditional formatting to your app can enhance the user experience. Remember, each control has slightly different properties, which means that the conditional formatting for one control might not be the same for another. Examples of how you can use conditional formatting include setting ...
Method 1 – Use the Conditional Formatting ‘Highlight Cell Rules’ Option If a Cell Is Not Blank Steps: Select the entire dataset B5:D13. Go to Home and select Conditional Formatting (in the Styles group). From the Conditional Formatting drop-down, go to Highlight Cell Rules and pick ...
2.1.41 Part 1 Section, cnfStyle (Paragraph Conditional Formatting) 2.1.42 Part 1 Section, divId (Associated HTML div ID) 2.1.43 Part 1 Section, framePr (Text Frame Properties) 2.1.44 Part 1 Section, ind (Paragraph Indentation) 2.1.45 Part 1...