re: 64 bit date picker You could try my "GetYourOwnDate" date picker add-in. It is coded for 32/64 bit, but I have no feedback re 64 bit. The date picker, besides entering a date, can undo up to 20 entries can append dates to existing cell text, can insert a month or year...
I am currently trying to use the Microsoft Date and Time picker for a project in Excel 365 64-Bit, Windows 7 64-Bit. These are the steps I have performed.Obtained the mscomct2.ocx file, placed it in C:\syswow64 folder and used regsvr32 to successfully register it. I have tried the ...
1 打开Excel表格,点击【文件】-【更多】-【选项】,然后在打开的“Excel选项”对话框中,,点击【自定义功能区】,将右侧的【开发工具】勾选,再点击【确定】,这样就将“开发工具”选项卡调出。2 点击【开发工具】-【加载项】,在打开的“office加载项”对话框中点击【应用商店】,进入应用商店界面。3 在offic...
进入VBA编辑器,工具菜单,引用;在引用窗口中点击浏览按钮,并找到你的MSCOMCT2.OCX,确认后,确定在引用中勾选了Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2xx。确定后,就可在控件列表中找到日期时间提取控件了
This handy app simplifies date entry in Excel. Whenever you click on a date cell, a calendar icon pops up right next to it. Just click the icon to open a convenient calendar for that specific cell. Pick your date from the calendar, and it automatically fills the cell with the correct ...
I.使用Excel Date Picker插件 1.介绍 插件:(samradapps_datepicker.xlam) 适用于excel 2007-2019,office365的一款,64bit;(不受限于32bit) download:可以自行去搜索下载; (也可白嫖,链接: 提取码: pbfn 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 )...
Dear guys, The Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) not listed in the "More Control" list .. and I'm not able to use the datepicker control. I'm using Excel 2010 (32-bit) running on windows 10 (64-bit) Would you please help me on that? Best regard...
Hello , I would like to add date picker on an excel sheet. The goal is to create an excel file and have this sent to users to fill in. When filling the excel, and click on the start date, a cal...Show More admin BI & Data Analysis developer excel Excel for web Formulas and Fun...
在Excel 2013的开发工具中如果未能找到微软的日期控件Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control,这就需要手工进行相关的注册。下面介绍下相关的注册该控件的方法。 点击开始菜单,以管理员的身份运行CMD,打开Windows的命令窗口。 如果是32位版本的Windows,进入 C:\Windows\System32 目录 如果是64位版本的Windows,进入 C:...
It is working at my side. peiyezhu It is unbelievable that there is no standard solution for regular users without particular knowledge on exotic and hidden menus (developer tab) or VBA. The solution proposed bypeiyezhuis a work around for sure but it is as elegant as effective!