I am currently trying to use the Microsoft Date and Time picker for a project in Excel 365 64-Bit, Windows 7 64-Bit. These are the steps I have performed.Obtained the mscomct2.ocx file, placed it in C:\syswow64 folder and used regsvr32 to successfully register it. I have tried the ...
进入VBA编辑器,工具菜单,引用;在引用窗口中点击浏览按钮,并找到你的MSCOMCT2.OCX,确认后,确定在引用中勾选了Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2xx。确定后,就可在控件列表中找到日期时间提取控件了
1. 打开Excel文件,点击菜单栏上的“开发工具”选项卡。如果您的菜单栏上没有该选项卡,需要先启用开发工具选项卡。 2. 在“开发工具”选项卡中,点击“插入”下方的“更多控件”按钮。 3. 在弹出的“控件”对话框中,选择“Microsoft date and time picker control”(Microsoft日期和时间选择控件)。 4. 点击“确...
I held off a long time before I installed the 64 bit version of Excel on one of my workstations. Is there still no Date Picker for VBA to call?Regards,Rich Locus, Logicwurks, LLChttp://www.logicwurks.comAll replies (3)Saturday, July 11, 2020 3:27 AM ✅Answered...
Dear guys, The Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) not listed in the "More Control" list .. and I'm not able to use the datepicker control. I'm using Excel 2010 (32-bit) running on windows 10 (64-bit) Would you please help me on that? Best regard...
win10(64位),Excel2019如何加载Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control日历插件 64位office没有这个控件,别想了。
Ctrl + Shift + ;shortcut inserts thecurrent time. To enter the current date and time, pressCtrl + ;then press theSpacekey, and thenCtrl + Shift + ;. Insert an automatically updatable today's date and current time If you want to input today's date in Excel that will always remain up...
Win10 64位文件调用失败提示错误0x8002801c解决方法 1.自行将MSCOMCTL.OCX组件复制到C:\Windows\SysWOW64\目录下;2.在C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ 目录下找到cmd.exe文件,右键单击,“以管理员身份运行”,打开cmd; 3 cd到\Windows\SysWOW64\ 3.复制%systemroot%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe MSCOMCTL.OCX命令 ...
Microsoft’s Date Picker control is only available in 32-bit versions of Excel 2016, Excel 2013, and Excel 2010, but it won’t work on Excel 64-bit or on later versions. For other versions of Excel, use a third-party add-in.