LostMyPass:可在线输入文件,快速解锁。 OnlineHashCrack:上传文件之后,通过在线算法辅助破解。 只需访问相应的网站,遵循指示上传文件,等待解锁结果即可。 面对忘记Excel表格密码的困扰时,这些方法将会是你的得力助手!如果你有其他更好的解决方案或有任何疑问,请在下方留言分享,让我们一起讨论! ```...
# 调用函数以进行密码破解 crack_excel_password(file_path) ``` 步骤3:运行Python脚本 保存并运行“excel_password_cracker.py”脚本文件。在脚本所在的目录下通过命令提示符或终端运行以下命令:破解excel密码 ``` python excel_password_cracker.py ``` 脚本将尝试破解输入的Excel文件的密码,并在成功破解后显示密码。
新开一Excel,同时按Alt+F11,进入VBA界面,点菜单上的插入,模块,在新出来的窗口粘贴一下代码: Sub crack() Dim i As Long Dim FileName As String i = 0 FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel文件(*.xls & *.xlsx),*.xls;*.xlsx", , "VBA破解") FileName = Right(FileName, Len(FileName...
Crack excel password is the simplest tasks to do with tools. The tools cater to the need to crack the password and have access to the details saved in it.
1、在本站下载并解压,得到KutoolsforExcelSetup.exe安装程序和crack破解文件夹 2、双击KutoolsforExcelSetup.exe运行安装程序,勾选我接受许可协议中的条款,点击下一步 3、选择安装路径,点击安装 4、安装完成,退出向导 5、运行keygen,小编没有安装Microsoft Excel,所以这里只介绍一下方法,在“许可证助手”字段中单击“...
Uses of this app: Advantages: 2024 Key: Kutools for Excel License Key: You can set the background with logos: Users can hide and unhide the data in the sheet: Best organized app: Pros: Conclusion: Mirror File Kutools for Excel Crackis an application that you can use to do the work on...
Microsoft Excel Crackwith aMicrosoft 365 Cracksubscription is the latest version ofExcel. Previous versions include Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, and Excel 2003. iTunes, iPhone, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. An...
KuTools for Excel Crack is an application that can provide you with very advanced features or tools for working on MS Excel.
If you forgot your password and want to know how to crack Excel password, just follow the solutions given below.
神技 破解EXCEL工作表保护密码http://www.mr-wu.cn/crack-excel-workbook-protection/ 我们可以通过新建工作本,来创建一个新的工作本来创造新的宏而绕过密码保护机制。 在打开的PDN_Tool_v1_1_1.xls工作本里,通过菜单“文件–>新建工作本“,创建一个新的空白工作本。