# 通过工具的输出或日志查找破解成功后的密码 cracked_password = "password123" # 使用破解成功的密码打开受密码保护的Excel文件 excel_file_path = "C:/Documents/sample.xlsx" os.system(f"excel {excel_file_path} --password {cracked_password}") ``` 请注意,在使用Excel密码破解工具进行密码破解时,请始...
wb.save(file_path) print(f"Success! Password has been cracked: {password}") return except: attempts += 1 continue print("Password cracking failed. Password not found.") except Exception as e: print("Unknown error occurred: " + str(e)) # 在此处填写Excel文件的路径 file_path = "C:/pat...
Note:The first type of password can be cracked in this way. Step 1.Download and install the software in your PC, choose the ‘Remove Excel Password’ and then drag your lcoked file in the box, clcik ‘Remove’. Step 2.Wait a second, your restrictions on excel has been removed, and ...
保存修改后的文件: with open('example_cracked.xlsm', 'wb') as file: file.write(content) 五、使用专用工具 有一些专用工具可以用来破解Excel工程密码。这些工具通常有图形用户界面,使用起来更加方便。 常用工具 VBA Password Bypasser:专用于移除VBA工程密码保护。 Excel Password Recovery Lastic:用于恢复Excel文件...
使用libxl读取Excel文件,win32 和 linux 双平台均已经实现破解 本项目仅用于学习交流,如需在生产环境中使用libxl,请够购买正版。 更新一串神秘代码: staticconststd::stringlibxl_cracked_name ="mylibxl";#ifdefined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)staticconststd::stringlibxl_cracked_key ="windows-2f2129060dcce70c...
并行计算能力:量子计算机利用量子叠加态,可以同时处理多个状态。这意味着它可以在同一时间内尝试多个可能的解,从而大大加快暴力破解的速度。 量子纠缠:量子纠缠使得量子比特之间可以进行超快速的信息传递和协作,这进一步提升了计算效率。 Shor算法:量子计算机可以使用Shor算法来高效地分解大整数,这对于破解基于大整数分解的加...
2: Can Excel passwords be cracked? It can be cracked only with a capable tool that knows how to attack encryptions, password protection, or read-only files. There aren't many tools that can help you recover strong password protections on Excel files. The tools that can help you recover...
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2020-11-25 20:54) 1.923g/s 123.0p/s 123.0c/s 123.0C/s //http://www.linuxmi.com//..aaaaaa Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed ## 得到密码为 123123 ```...
Press 'q'orCtrl-C to abort, almost any other keyforstatus yhp695 (1.XLS)1g0:00:00:00DONE (2023-04-1710:28)33.33g/s34133p/s34133c/s34133C/s yhp000..Yhp023Use theoptions to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed....
It's best if you avoid using common keywords when searching for Microsoft Excel. Words like: crack, serial, keygen, free, full, version, hacked, torrent, cracked, mp4, etc. Simplifying your search will return more results from the database. ...