Fuller described works of tensegrity as “self-tensioning structures composed of rigid structures and cables, with forces of traction and compression, which form an integrated whole.” He also believed that works of tensegrity were more natural than works of solely compression, as similar systems ...
"Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures Part 1. Equilibrium Equations". Proceedings of DETC'02.C.D. Crane III, J. Duffy and J.C. Correa, Static analysis of tensegrity structures Part 2: numerical Examples, ASME 2002 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and ...
Static and dynamic analyses of tensegrity structures. Part II. Quasi-static analysis Linearized Lagrangian equations developed in the first part of the paper were employed for static analyses of cyclic cylindrical tensegrity modules. Linear...
Examples of Cable-Bar Modular Structures Based on the Class-Theta Tensegrity Systems 张拉整体组合结构网络电缆结构体系整体系统张力结构细胞内结构形态摘要:Zbigniew BieniekFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecturevip土木工程与建筑:英文版...