Collection of the "What is..." column in the What is...anamoeba? —Oleg Viro, September 2002 What is...themonster? —Richard Borcherds, October 2002 What is...abuilding? —Kenneth S. Brown, November 2002 What is...analteration? —Frans Oort, December 2002 What is...ashtuka? —Dav...
Even though fasciae have not yet been researched in depth, they are considered a very important structure of the body. They have many functions and can be the cause of pain and functional disorders. 02. Fascia simply explained The term fascia is derived from the Latin word "fascia", which...
A scientific basis for this concept is emerging from modern research on the properties of the support and movement systems of the body, which are responsible for maintaining verticality and for motion in the gravity field. The tensegrity concept of Buckminster Fuller explains how therapeutic ...
On a free surface, a local state of plane stress always prevails, since this is exactly the boundary condition. This is why the plane stress assumption works so well — It is exactly true on the two opposite sides of the plate, and as long as the thickness is small, no significantzdire...
A novel engineering application of biomimetics is in the field of structural engineering. Recently, researchers from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) have been incorporating biomimetic characteristics in an adaptive deployable tensegrity bridge [1]. The bridge can carry out self-diagnosis and...
A pinched or compressed nerve can be painful and even debilitating. But nerve pain is a symptom, not a condition unto itself, and treating the pain will not fix the problem. Learn about common sites of pinched nerves, the factors that cause nerve compres
A structure with tensegrity to support all sides in the same manner can go off the charts!. This is how people should learn the arts. It’s why the older methods were so ineffective at instructing the real masters of old. People who think and train this way today are sooo much better...
Skin is a complex organ consisting of two very different tissue compartments, the epidermis and the dermis, which comprise cells of diverse origin and function. Establishing and maintaining the functionality of skin requires not only tightly regulated processes of maturation and differentiation of the ...
1993). To fulfill this role, CSK is organized as “tensegrity” structures pre-stressing the cells to keep the cell shape stabilized by the network of opposing tension and compression components (Ingber 2006). As recently demonstrated for Piezo1 channels, which are gated according to the FFL ...