(molecular biology) The process of forming a double strandednucleic acidfrom joining two complementarystrands ofDNA(orRNA) (as in nucleic acid hybridization) Supplement Hybridization is the process of producing ahybrid. A hybrid, in general sense, is any of mixed origin or composition, or the co...
a small structure within the ovary of the flower. The ovary is a larger structure within the flower that contains and protects usually many ovules. Flowering plants are unique in that their ovules are entirely enclosed in the ovary. The ovary itself is part...
hybridization quantum speciation character displacement genetic change See all related content Evolution and diversity in Galapagos finchesThe 14 species of Galapagos finches differ from each other mainly in beak structure and feeding habits. The birds are believed to have undergone adaptive radiation from...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Narrow & Broad-Sense Heritability | Equation & Applications Genetic Predisposition | Definition, Impact & Examples Hybrid Plants | Overview & Hybridization Complementation in Genetics | Definition & Analysis ...
Hybridization Introgression Genetic swamping Overexploitation Overexploitation of both abiotic and biotic resources has brought ecosystems to the brink of breakdown. Mindless tree logging, dumping of sewage in water bodies, and burdening of soil systems with chemicals like herbicides, fertilizers, etc have...
The molecule usually has a tetrahedral structure with {eq}sp^{3} {/eq} hybridization. Four different groups bonded to the central atom are necessary for the occurrence of enantiomers. The two images illustrate enantiomers. Both have a central chiral carbon atom. Both carbons have bonded to the...
Analysis of viral DNA. To assess the presence of viral DNA in plants, tissue blot assays and molecular hybridizations were used =-=(1)-=-. Different viral DNA forms were visualized in Southern blots. Total DNA was extracted from tomato plants or N. benthamiana leaf discs with TLES buffer...
Interbreeding between two different groups is called hybridization and is viewed differently by different scientists. In animals, hybrid offspring of two different species are thought to be unhealthy or infertile as adults, but in plants hybrid offspring are often thought to be more vigorous than the...
Isolation and in silico characterization of cDNA encoding cyclophilin from etiolated Vigna mungo seedlings mungo, a cDNA library was constructed which contained 95% recombinant colonies. On screening of this library by hybridization using the pigeon pea protease ... Varun Kumar - 《Brazilian Journal ...
Compare and contrast speciation via autopolyploidy (such as has apparently happened in wheat and some mint species) with speciation via polyploid hybridization (as has apparently happened in goatsbeard flowers, What are some observed instances of speciation? What is sympatric sp...