Five examples of breed-specific diseases will be presented: retinal atrophy, neuropathy and ichthyosis (a genetic dermatosis), as well as two multifactorial diseases. The ichthyosis example in Golden retrievers perfectly illustrates the power of this model to identify new genes and new gene functions...
In humans, genes code for traits that can include visible features like the type of earlobe, eye color, or the presence of freckles. Genes can also code for diseases that can be passed from parent to child. Traits such as eye color are inherited by children from their parents. Different...
Homologous Genes Genes are the functional units of heredity in living organisms. They consist of series of nucleotides in both DNA and RNA that derive certain proteins. DNA is replicated into RNA before a protein is created. The nucleotides used in humans are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and ...
Genome is defined as the complete set of genetic material in an organism. Thus, all the genes contained inside a cell, i.e. the nuclear and extranuclear genes, are collectively referred to as the genome. For instance, the genome of a bacterium refers to the whole single chromosome contained...
What evidence proves that genetic mutations via copying errors are random and not due to some type of Neo-Lamarckian process? What discoveries in genetics have led to the realization that genetic mapping is not quite as simple as genes being lin...
Our genome includes both protein-coding and nonprotein-coding genes. While all humans (aside from identical twins) have a different genome, the magnitude of difference is microscopic: less than 1% within our species. The closest primates have differences ...
However, the more proper term for such condition in humans is “intersex person”. A hermaphrodite refers to one that has both male and female gonads that are functional. Thus, that individual is capable of producing male and female gametes at least at one point in their lifetime. Etymology...
Ivory poaching has triggered a surge in elephants born without tusks | Kate Baggaley | October 22, 2021 | Popular-Science In humans, the disruption of one of those genes can cause tooth brittleness and the absence of a pair of upper incisors that are the “anatomical equivalent of tusks,”...
Chromosomes are in homologous pairs (two copies of each chromosome). One copy of the chromosomes is from the mother, and the other copy is from the father. Although the chromosomes are from both parents, they are similar in size, shape, centromere position and have the same genes. The ...
What is incomplete dominance? Master key principles of incomplete dominance in genetics and see incomplete dominance examples in humans, animals,...