They looked at clothing from major high-street fashion brands to check the truthfulness of their sustainability claims and found 60% of claims overall were misleading. That’s bad butH&M were found to be the worst offenders with a shocking 96% of their claims not holding up. Put simply, vir...
There are several ways to label and classify fallacies, such as according to the psychological reasons that lead people to use them or according to similarity in their form. Broadly speaking, there are two main types of logical fallacy, depending on what kind of reasoning error the argument con...
I recently wrote aboutThe Myth of Self-service Analyticsin this blog. Some of you seemed to think that I was exaggerating the claims that vendors make about self-service analytics, in particular that their tools eliminate the need for analytical skills. To back my argument, I’ve colle...
Plaintiffs allege that defendants had prior knowledge that their daughter was a target for murder by a psychiatric patient and failed to warn the victim or anyone capable of stopping act. Defendants had notified campus police of patient’s intent, but after detaining him briefly, chose to release...
You may think that a particular customer knows nothing about the business, their claims are false, and it was simply not right to put up a review. You may think they were in a bad mood and you couldn’t do much in terms of service. You may think it’s a competitor, not a genuine...
they try to evoke both fear of the opposition and love for one’s country, without presenting any factual evidence for their claims. The speech relies on emotional manipulation to portray the opposition as a threat, hoping to garner support without engaging in an in-depth discussion of the pol...
Over the years, statistics have shown that many job seekers find the act of resume writing difficult. Creating resumes that can win you the job you desire can be challenging, especially if you are writing your first resume. However, thanks to the emergence of information technology, you can...
That is why you should never take them at their face value and be mindful not to fall prey to one of many advertising fallacies. Always think before you act.Here are some steps you can take to avoid misleading advertising.How to spot Misleading or False Advertising?
Most people would agree that the idea of hurting animals for fun elicits undesirable thoughts and feelings. However, despite how anyone may feel about this particular action,our emotions aren’t a logical substitute for an unbiased reason that explainswhythe act isterrible. ...
In literature, paradoxes can create humor, express the confusion or frustration of a seeming impossibility, or make clear the absurdity of an unexpected situation. Paradox in William Shakespeare's Hamlet As Hamlet interrogates his mother, Gertrude, in Act 3 Scene 4 of Hamlet, after mistakenly ...