When massed together, receptors for sense organs. Scattered receptors include those found in our skin and viscera. Examples of effectors that uses... Learn more about this topic: Alpha & Beta Adrenergic Receptors | Overview & Difference
The effectors are the organs that carry out the processes needed to maintain homeostasis. They are controlled by both the endocrine system and the nervous system. For example, the kidney is an effector organ that regulates homeostasis of water and salt balance in the body. It is regulated by ...
The effectors are the target of the homeostatic response that would bring about the reversion of conditions to the optimal or normal range. At the tissue or organ level, they are exemplified by the muscle or the gland. At the cellular level, they are the receptors of a nerve, including the...
The brain integrates information from these sources, including visual input, so as to produce an appropriate response (via the effectors), such as adjusting posture, making coordinated movements, and maintaining balance. Receptors from the recent examples sense general equilibrium and balance differently...
Allosteric sites are mainly binding sites of enzyme. Moreover, they differ from substrate binding sites and active sites. Effectors or modulator are the molecules which bind to the Allosteric site. They also control the activity of the enzymes they link to. ...
effectors are hormonal secretions and movement. *Receptors (receive) Interneurons (process) Effectors (transmit) *A person is a computer made out of meat. Behaviorism- you learn to be the person you are‚ persons are products of learning. Conditioning processes- (learning) molded‚...
In negative feedback, an increase in the level of a regulatory molecule is detected as a signal. The signal is detected by a receptor and then it travels to a control center. The control center processes all the information about the signal and decides what effectors are to be used to ...
Stimulus: A detectable change happens in the environment Receptors: The receptor converts environmental stimuli into electrical nerve signals Neurons: The nerve signals are transferred to the central nervous system via neurons Effectors: Effectors produce a response as a result of the stimulus. Effectors...