Bias in language refers to language that is uneven or unbalanced or not a fair representation, says the University of Massachusetts Lowell, adding that you should strive to avoidbias in writingand speaking because such language may contain “hidden messages” about the superiority or inferiority of ...
PREP.with/without ~All material must be selected and presented without bias.| with a ~a newspaper with a strong left-wing bias| ~ againsta bias against women| ~ in favour of/towardsa bias in favour of small firms You can also check other dicts:bias (English,中文解释),wordnet sense,Col...
We're all guilty of it. Don't let unconscious bias get in the way of a fair, objective, and predictive hiring process.
For example, the success rate of the program will likely be affected if participants start to drop out (attrition). Participants who become disillusioned due to not losing weight may drop out, while those who succeed in losing weight are more likely to continue. This in turn may bias the fi...
The plural of bias is biases, pronounced [bahy-uh-siz]. Biases is a regular plural noun that follows regular pluralization rules, which add “-s” or “-es” to the end of the singular form to make the plural form. Biases in a sentence exampleThe researcher found several biases in the...
3. Unconscious Racial Bias Here are 2 examples ofracial bias in job descriptions: Example 1: The cable company below is trying to be cute in their job ad by referencing the terrific movie Driving Miss Daisy (the movie in which an African American chauffeur drives around an older white woman...
You can follow best practices, but because you’re human, biased words may creep in no matter how hard you try. To ensure you write bias-free content, you may want to run your work through an AI-based program like Ongig’s Text Analyzer. Tools like these scan your written work, flag...
Conscious bias, or explicit bias, involves known attitudes about certain groups of people. In contrast, unconscious bias involves attitudes about certain groups of people that are outside of one’s own awareness. Unconscious bias can be more difficult to recognize than conscious bias, and may lead...
Social Proof is a cognitive bias In Kahneman’s workThinking, Fast and Slow,he describes these two sides of the brain (the reflective and irrational) as Systems 1 and 2. ReadKahneman’s workfor more. System 1 leveragescognitive biasesas shortcuts (called heuristics) to make decisions: The ...
Learn about the definition of bias in statistics. Understand how to determine bias in statistics. Discover various types of bias, such as response...