Genderbiasinlanguage Thenlet’slistmoreexamples:Theuseofmaletermstorefertobothmalesandhumanbeingsingeneral.Mankind,chairman,Britishman,fireman,mailman,spokesman,salesman,policeman,congressman(国会议员;众议院议员),postman,etc.(biased)Revisedversions:Humankind,chairperson,Britishpeople,firefighter,mailperson/mail...
Gender Bias in Language Language is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication. Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, th...
social status. (Paragraph 10): The term gender reflects the belief that females are inferior to males in a variety of attributes because it helps determine sex by what a person does for a living. Text II Memorable quotes Questions for discussion What is the difference between sex and gender?
number of typical examples to illustrate gender bias in language. 7 The writer makes his attitude or opinion clear on the issue of gender bias in language. Detailed Reading Text I Gender Bias in Language Paragraph 1 Questions: 1. What does the writer think of language? The au...
Examples of Biased and Bias-Free Language Here, we’ll look at some examples of biased language, how it can be changed into non-biased language, and why the change matters. Biased Language:“No more comments from the peanut gallery, please.”Bias-Free Language:“Let’s keep our comments ...
1.Yetitisoftenmisunderstoodandmisinterpreted,forlanguageisaverycomplicatedmechanismwithagrea(t)dealofnuance.2.ThisisanexampleofthegenderbiasthatexistsintheEnglishlanguage.ReadingaloudCulturalinformationAudiovisualsupplement 3.ItisatthispointthatNilsenarguestha(t)thegenderbiascomesintoplay.4.Itisuptoustodecidewha(t...
1.Language is an intricate system capable of expressing subtle differences in meaning, emotion, attitude and so on. 2.The words people choose to use in conversation show the prejudices they hold within themselves. 3.Nilsen argues that, at the beginning of a wedding ceremony, when the father ...
Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language的译文和练习答案 精品文档 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 语言中的性别偏见 语言是一个非常强大的元素。它是沟通最常用的方法。然而,语言常常被误解和曲解,因为语言是一个有着...
8、dpairsthebiasisevident.Themasculinewordisputbeforethefeminineword,asintheexamplesofMr.andMrs.,hisandhers,boysandgirls,menandwomen,kingsandqueens,brothersandsisters,guysanddolls,andhostandhostess.ThisshowsthattheusageofmanyoftheEnglishwordsisalsowhatcontributestothebiaspresentintheEnglishlanguage.All ...
It then highlights some examples of cultural bias in some popular standardized tests constructed by both foreign institutions and domestic educational bodies. The paper argues that if language teaching is to foster the development of cross-cultural understanding, attempts should be made to eliminate ...