Allied health professionalsInclude professions such as pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and respiratory therapists, who provide specialized healthcare services. Support staffAdministrative and technical staff members who support the operations of the healthcare organization, such as recep...
Allied Health Professions Health Policy and Legislation Healthcare Management Healthcare Supply Chain Management Hospital Administration Political Science 101: Intro to Political Science 21chapters |148lessons|11flashcard sets Ch 1.Basic Terms and Concepts of Political Science ...
representing employees in areas of health care (e.g., nurses and nursing home employees), public services (e.g., schoolteachers and other government employees), building services (e.g., janitors and security guards), and industrial and allied employees (i.e., services in industrial companies...
as well as caregiving professions like nannying and nursing. Today such stereotypes are being challenged greatly, with women advancing in almost one-third ofSTEM(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers. Additionally, one-fourth of teacher positions are now held by men. Gender role...