A sonnet is a poem that has 14 lines and follows a specific rhyme scheme. It comes from the Italian word that means “little song.” There are various types of sonnets, and each one is formatted a little differently, following various rhyme schemes. The three main types are the Italian ...
Definition and Examples of a Sonnet → UP NEXT What is Homage? Now that we have covered ode here, why not look into another way writers and artists pay tribute? In our article covering homage, you will see how it is used in literature, as well as film, how it functions as praise and...
The term sonnet is understood by most people as a form of poetry, but there’s more to a sonnet than simply being a poem. The 5 sonnet examples below are from a range of authors and will introduce you to the structure and tempo of the sonnet form, and help you understand the true e...
A sonnet is a type of fourteen-line poem. Traditionally, the fourteen lines of a sonnet consist of an octave (or two quatrains making up a stanza of 8 lines) and a sestet (a stanza of six lines). Sonnets generally use a meter of iambic pentameter, and follow a set rhyme scheme. Wit...
What are examples of asyndeton in the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald? What are examples of anastrophe in Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Why is a sonnet used in Ozymandias? How do the multiple speakers in the poem Ozymandias help create a sense of irony?
What is a Sonnet? The definition of a sonnet is a type of poem, which contains fourteen lines and is usually written in iambic pentameter. There are a few different types of sonnets, each using a specific rhyme scheme. Sonnets are believed to have originated in 13th-century Italy, and ...
Another example of a poem utilizing the iambic foot is Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18." The entire sonnet is written in iambic pentameter, or five iambic feet in a line, a total of ten syllables per line. "Shall I | compare | thee to | a sum | mer's day? Thou art | more love | ly...
For example, an author might choose to write a poem in the form of a sonnet, such as a Shakespearean sonnet with the traditional rhyme scheme of ABABCDCDEFEFGG and an iambic pentameter metrical pattern. Or, they might choose to write a poem in the form of an elegy or in dedication to ...
Though the definition of sonnet states that the poem must have fourteen lines, there are a few variations with this form. All sonnets, whether Italian or English, generally are written in iambic pentameter. Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet The Italian sonnet, which was created first, is the combinat...
Not all poems have a rhyme scheme, a form, or a meter. A poem might have one or two of these, or it could have all three. Many types of poetry are defined by a specific form, rhyme scheme, or meter. When you set out to write a poem, think about which form—if any—best suit...