Sonnet Examples A sonnet is a poem that has 14 lines and follows a specific rhyme scheme. It comes from the Italian word that means “little song.” There are various types of sonnets, and each one is formatted a little differently, following various rhyme schemes. The three main types are...
In this Hughes poem, the poet depicts a night of fear as a family cowers inside their home. A terrifying storm rages outside. They are at the mercy of nature with nothing to do but wait out the storm and hope that it eventually dies down. Here are a few lines from the poem that ...
A Spenserian sonnet is a type of sonnet—a fourteen-line poem with a particular rhyme scheme that is almost always written using iambic pentameter. Sonnets were first introduced by a poet named Giacomo da Lentini in the thirteenth century, but later poets, such as William Shakespeare, established...
Sonnet Definition What is a sonnet? Here’s a quick and simple definition: A sonnet is a type of fourteen-line poem. Traditionally, the fourteen lines of a sonnet consist of an octave (or two quatrains making up a stanza of 8 lines) and a sestet (a stanza of six lines). Sonnets ...
Sonnet: A poem with 14 lines; English sonnets have 3 quatrains with the rhyme scheme ABAB and a closed couplet at the end, while Italian sonnets (also known as Petrarchan sonnets) are made up of an octave and a sestet. Sestina: A poem with 6 stanzas of 6 lines each, ending with a ...
Sonnet The sonnet is five centuries old, having originated in Sicily. It is a poem consisting of 14 lines, and is generally written in iambic pentameter. This means that there are 10 syllables in each line, with every other syllable being stressed. Different types of sonnets have different rh...
A ballade poem is a French form poem, (not to be confused with the "ballad" form, which we offer a separate workshop for!). A ballade has twenty-eight lines of no set length. It is split into three octaves (eight-lined stanzas) and one quatrain (a four-lined stanza), resulting in...
Batter my heart (Sonnet 14)by John Donne ‘Batter my heart’is one of Donne’s best-known poems. It is directed at God and asks him to take hold of thespeaker. Here are a few lines: Batter my heart, three-personed God, for you ...
A Petrarchan sonnet is most easily identified by its rhyme scheme, which will begin with an octave that goes ABBAABBA. The octave will be followed by a sestet that usually has a rhyme scheme of CDCCDC or CDECDE.What is a Sonnet? A sonnet is a specific type of poem that has been popu...
An example of a stanza in a poem could be in Shakespeare's most famous sonnet. The sonnet has three quatrains, a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, and a closed couplet of GG. What does stanza mean in poetry? A stanza is a series of lines that are arranged together by their repeat...