Bertmar G, Kapoor BG, Miller R (1969) Epibranchial organs in lower teleostean fishes-an example of structural adaptations . International Review of General and Experimental Zoology 4 : 1–48Bertmar G, Kapoor BG, Miller RV. 1969. Epibranchial organs in lower teleostean fishes-an example of ...
Homostructural two-ring mesogens: a comparison of p-carboranes, bicyclo[2.2.2]octane and benzene as structural elements Mesogenic properties of diheptyl and diheptynyl derivatives of 12- and 10-vertex bi-p-carboranes have been studied in the pure state and as binary mixtures... K Czupryn...
Qualitative data provide critical details on the implementation context of an intervention, the possibility for inductive knowledge generation, and describes structural and interpersonal parameters that influence measured (as well as unexpected) study outcomes. These data, therefore, are uniquely positioned ...
Describe the structural features and functions of nervous tissue. What structures provide protection for the kidneys? Describe the components of connective tissue structures and understand adaptations to exercise training. Which specific function of the skin benefits the skeletal system? ...
Besides, the greater wall thickness and cutinisation of epidermal cells, the higher densities of both stomata and trichomes, the higher value of LDMC and the lower value of SLA in these leaves indicate high investments in leaf “defence”, particularly, structural ones [26]. Some of these ...
One of the carnivorous plant Nepenthes (Pitcher plant) entraps insects in its specially modified leaf lamina for this purpose which is in the form of a pitcher with leaf apices modified into a lid. The insect entrapped get killed inside the pitcher. The
Thousands of scientific papers have described how plants responded to different levels of a given environmental factor, for a wide variety of physiological
(b) Describe the major functions of each tissue. Explain how the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum are formed, and give their functions. Explain how blood flow through tissues is regulated in general, and in skeletal muscle and the brain. Describe some of...
Give the action of three different hormones from three different glands that involve the process of neurosecretion. Describe the structural difference of the two main types of hormones, their mechanisms of action on target cells and the three ...
For instance, they may need to compete for the attention of decision-makers or advice on adaptations of the proposal. As mentioned earlier, implementation can be improved by collaborating with stakeholders from early on and relying on the strategies of policy entrepreneurs. Moreover, BITs may ...