which likely deposited during floods shortly before or after terrace abandonment. Besides, the samples consist of different materials (wood, charcoal, or plant remain) that have different sensitivity to recycling. Hence, for terraces constrained by several ages, we ...
International Journal of Historical Archaeology (2022) 26:823–847 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10761-021-00626-3 Modern Colonialism and Cultural Continuity Through Material Culture: An Example from Guam and CHamoru Plaiting Sandra Montón‑Subías1,2 · Almudena Hernando ...
Dominador Castaneda’s work, entitled “Doomed Family” is of a different intensity but harrowing as well. Done in 1945, this oil on canvas has the feel of a silent scream. A mother lays dead; her long hair on the floor simulates blood. A lifeless father is bound in rope, his bloodie...
Jai Alai – means “happy feast” in Basque, the game was initially the sport of Manila’s elite. According to some sources, the game was introduced to the Philippines in 1899 by a group of aficionados headed by the Elizalde brothers. Every night, the fabulously wealthy or the heavily inde...
The Western House of Refuge in Rochester, New York, was one of the most famous nineteenth-century correctional facilities for juveniles. Using unpublished institutional records, this study examines the backgrounds, admissions, institutional lives, and paroles of the females admitted to the facility for...
While not being guides in the traditional sense you can expect them to have a broad general knowledge of the countries visited on the trip, including historical, cultural, religious and social aspects. We also use local guides where we think more specific knowledge will add to the enjoyment of...
He assumed that position until late 1935, when the federal government gave him a new position in the military, which involved the provision of advisory services to General MacArthur on issues that concerned America’s military relationship with the Philippines. His good performance prompted the govern...
The Brazilian food culture is made up of a variety of mostly traditional dishes that have their background from the history and culture of the country. According to historical information, before the Portuguese arrived, the Indians had already dwelled in most parts of the Brazilian continent and ...
The assessment unfolds in two distinct phases. Firstly, it delves into the historical context of renewable energy trends in Poland and Germany through a comparative analysis. Subsequently, the paper proceeds to conduct a bibliometric analysis of renewable energy research. In Section 2, the paper eluc...
In the case of lahar/pyroclastic input, the most hazardous location along a drainage system is river confluence. For instance, the Mapanuepe and Marella rivers’ confluence widened up to 1.3 km after lahar input from the 1991 CE Pinatubo eruption in Philippines [22]. In the tropics, sediment...