2021) in our search for potential rice-related studies in Indonesia and the Philippines (see Fig.1). We used the initial search string: “rice” AND “Indonesia*” OR “Philippine*” (asterisk or “*” was used as a wildcard search strategy) and limited...
Topic Sentence Generator Key Points Generator Question Maker Poem Generator Random Speech Generator Business Tools VRIO Analysis Tool SMART Goal Generator VMOST Template STP Marketing Template McKinsey 7S Model Template SWOT Analysis Online Tool DESTEP Template ...
The structure of this review is as follows. Sect. "Introduction" is about the background, significance, and need to review the history and revival of swidden agriculture research. Sect. "Basic facts about swidden agriculture research" provides two parts based on published papers and the literature...
Local Visions of the Landscape: Participatory Photographic Survey of the World Heritage Site, the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 机译:景观的局部视觉:世界遗产的参与式摄影调查,菲律宾山脉的水稻梯田 YOSHITO KIKUCHI,YOKO SASAKI,HIROSHI YOSHINO,JUNKO OKAHASHI,MASAHITO YOSHIDA,NOBUKO INABA, Landsca...
R. a. N. Acebes et al., “Comparing the Efficacy of Bacteriophages and Antibiotics in Treating Salmonella Enteric Serovar Typhimurium on Streptomycin-Pretreated Mice,” Philippine Journal of Science (Philippines) 150, no. 6a (2021), https://agris.fao.org/search/en/providers/122430/records/6474...
The primary aim of this research is to analyze the landscape of CF research by identifying the key themes and patterns within the literature, including emerging and niche areas. This is achieved through the use of topic modeling based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). The study of CF has...
Philippine Basin, was mapped for the first time during this survey. The N-S trending spreading fabric north of the escarpment is in striking contrast to the NW-SE to E-W lineament in the south. Our data reveal a more complicated history of the western Philippine Sea than has been proposed...
(2003) Philippine Forest Ecosystems and Climate Change: Carbon Stocks, Rate of Sequestration and the Kyoto Protocol. Annals of Tropical Research, 25, 37-51. [69] Kawahara, T., Kanazawa, Y. and Sakurai S. (1981) Biomass and Net Production of Manmade Forests in the Philippines. Journal of...
Analysing Sex Workers’ Heterogeneous Experiences: the Insecurities of a Profession in Limbo Discussion and Outlook Change history References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
The machinery of research ethics oversight has grown in size, disciplinary ambit, and geographical reach over the last 50 years, generating overlapping patterns of regulation, statements, and guidelines that operate at supranational, national, local, community, discipline, topic, and institutional levels...