Understanding the unstable evolution of railway slopes is the premise for preventing slope failure and ensuring the safe operation of trains. However, as two major factors affecting the stability of railway slopes, few scholars have explored the unstable
HL3 represents the most stringent requirement of EN45545-2, allowing materials to be used on trains that pass through tunnels where no side evacuation is possible, such […] Continue Reading Mike Harrison joins Composites Evolution as Prepreg Sales Manager 23rd January 2019 We’re pleased to ...
We propose a new sequential decision-making setting, combining key aspects of two established online learning problems with bandit feedback. The optimal action to play at any given moment is contingent on an underlying changing state that is not directly observable by the agent. Each state is ass...
2 The two-dimensional electrophoresis of the hemolymph from the bamboo shrimp Atya moluccensis shows several trains of spots. The numbered spots were analysed by nanoLC-ESI-ion trap analysis. The highest scores in the mascot search results were hemocyanin subunits from A. moluccensis 1: α...
(x̄ρ = 0.292) (extant odontocetes:n = 72, 44% of the data set). Excluding rostral landmarks had the most impact on archaeocetes and mysticetes, as some of the highest levels of asymmetry in those clades are found in the rostral region (Table2; Additional file1: ...
No 1 /2018 Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2017: a year of record-breaking losses 01 Executive summary 02 Catastrophes in 2017: global overview 06 Regional overview 18 HIM: an unprecedented hurricane cluster event? 27 Tables for reporting year 2017 50 Terms and selection ...
bafortiisolates are similar to those observed withinP. yoeliiandP. chabaudiisolates whileP. v. lentumandP. v. brucechwattiisolates have exceptionally high and low divergences respectively. Genes with significantly high Ka/Ks ratios in different subspecies-wise comparisons (as indicated by connector ...
file5] appear to have been ancestrally small, but to have gradually increased in the lineage leading to the dolphins, with a number of independent derivations of societies with hundreds of individuals and some secondary reductions in group size (e.g.,Cephalorhynchusspp,OrcaellaandOrcinusFig.2)...
bafortiisolates are similar to those observed withinP. yoeliiandP. chabaudiisolates whileP. v. lentumandP. v. brucechwattiisolates have exceptionally high and low divergences respectively. Genes with significantly high Ka/Ks ratios in different subspecies-wise comparisons (as indicated by connector ...
The diameter is reduced incrementally by a revolving and radially oscillating motion of (four) dies. This motion is induced by the rotating swaging axle that entrains the base jaws with cams on the top surface. These cams pass the cylinder rollers and push the tools inwards. The swaging head...