This particularly holds true for the natural selection concept, which has two alternative interpretations known as the genetic and epigenetic theories of evolution. The final result of their competition, albeit predictable, will not be based upon any kind of “crucial evidence” giving advantage to ...
Therefore, the dynamics of the evolution of resistance \(u_{ij}\) of the cancer cell of type i in response to a treatment j (evolutionary dynamics) are given as $$\begin{aligned} \frac{\mathrm{d}{u}_{ij}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t}&=k_{ij}\, \frac{\partial H_i \left( {\mathbf ...
Another way to make use of biology is its theoretical structurein order to build analogous models for cultural change. The analogical strategyrests on the assumption that evolution is a historical process: Human culturesare historical entities, changing over time, but they also carry with them ves...
Chromosomal inversions have been implicated in a remarkable range of natural phenomena, but it remains unclear how much they contribute to standing genetic variation. Here, we evaluate 64 inversions that segregate within a single natural population of th
Coupled-cluster reaction barriers of HO2+H2O+O3: An application of the coupled-cluster//Kohn–Sham density functional theory model chemistry In this work, we report a theoretical investigation concerning the use of the popular coupled-cluster//Kohn-Sham density functional theory (CC//KS-DFT) mod...
The Social Trackways Theory of the Evolution of Languagedoi:10.1007/s13752-017-0278-2Kim Shaw Williams
(ˌmæk roʊˌɛk əˈnɒm ɪks, -ˌi kə-) n.(used with a sing. v.) the branch of economics dealing with the broad and general aspects of an economy, as the relationship between the income and investments of a country as a whole. Comparemicroeconomics. ...
andtheTAKStest. WetheGalapagosIslands DefinitionstoKnow •ScientificTheory=awell-supported,testable explanationofphenomenathathaveoccurredin thenaturalworld. •Evolution=changeovertime,theprocessby whichmodernorganismsdescendedfromancient organisms •IsEvolutionFactorFiction?
(2) is the time-dependent exchange-correlation (xc) potential, vXC[n; Ψ0, Φ0](r, t): a functional of the density, the initial interacting wavefunction Ψ0 and initial choice of KS wavefunction Φ0. Solving for N single-particle orbitals scales far better with system-size than ...
Next, we consider the second part of Eq. 49: dynamics due to speciation events. The transition rate is given by $$ R_{k,i}^{\rm{S}}\left(\vec{S}\right)=\nu \frac{kS_{k}}{J_{\rm{M}}}\frac{1}{k-1}. $$ (53) Species with abundance n disappear (\(S_{n}^{\prim...