d, Reconstructed phylogenetic tree from shared and private base substitutions in four evolved clonal lineages. Length of branches corresponds to the number of newly acquired base substitutions. Colors indicate mutational signature composition. e, Rates of mutation (SNVs), indel and non-centromeric SV ...
The Tarsier are haplorrhine and considered a sister taxon to the anthropoids [133]. Their eyes are bigger than their whole brain. This and some differences in the neural organization of their optical sensory system may be attributed to the fact that they probably secondarily changed from a diu...
Thus, we accounted for influences from the total greenspace coverage on canopy temperature rather than the tree coverage alone. Figure 3 Estimated effects of urban greenspaces, distance to waterbodies, and building height on the spatial and diurnal patterns of \(\Delta LST_{Canopy}\); the ...
The bootstrap N-J consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates was taken to represent the evolutionary history of the taxa analyzed [35]. Branches corresponding to partitions reproduced in less than 50% bootstrap replicates were collapsed. The evolutionary distances were computed using the Poisson ...
Using Music Information Retrieval (MIR) data and lyrics from Billboard Hot 100 songs between 1974-2013, we calculate a novelty score for each song’s aural attributes and lyrics. Comparing both scores to the popularity of the song following its release, we uncover key patterns in the ...
where each node [Math Processing Error] is assigned an activity potential [Math Processing Error] independently drawn from a given probability distribution [Math Processing Error], and is active with probability [Math Processing Error] in each time step, where [Math Processing Error] is a constant...
“great disconnect” between the views of scientists and non-scientists on evolution (Wiles2010). Evolution “remains a minority view in the general understanding” (Nickels et al.1996), and most Americans (and many people elsewhere) “view the biological world from a kind of pre-Darwinian ...
Inferring the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of species diversification and phenotypic disparity across the tree of life is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. In green plants, polyploidy (or whole-genome duplication, WGD) is known to play a major role in microevolution and speciation, but...
Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree of WRKY domain from A. thaliana, G. max and P. vulgaris. The phylogenetic tree was generated using MEGA 6.06, by neighbor-joining (NJ) method with bootstrap 1000 replicates. Each species was characterized with a specific color. According to the phylogenetic tree, ...
Here, we address this resource gap by presenting a highly contiguous chromosome-scale genome assembly of D. alata combined with a dense genetic map derived from African breeding populations. The genome sequence reveals an ancient allotetraploidization in the Dioscorea lineage, followed by extensive ...