”Washington Examiner’s Kimberly Rossthundered: “The Left and Right don’t agree on much. But when it comes to a misogynistic predator such as Tate, we can agree on this: We don’t need more like him.” Senator Josh Hawleyjust said, “I don’t think conservatives should be glorify...
the perceived dissolving of boundaries between individuals and their environments, and the dissolution of one’s sense of “self”—each of which may be described as an experience of being interconnected and indistinguishable from something greater than...
Copy number alterations per gene were assigned to a best-fit cluster. This was done by identifying the PyClone cluster with the highest PhyloCCF in the tumour regions that harboured the given copy number alteration. If there was a tie, the cluster that was closest to the tree trunk was ...
Indirect reciprocity can be beneficial as it is one of the few mechanisms that can create cooperation3,5,6 even when the interactions are not repeated or between related individuals. Indirect reciprocity explains well the emergence of moral rules but it is not clear which moral rules best ...
Furthermore, analyses based on the best tree topology only or chronogram can result in different reconstructions at some of these nodes (see Figs. 2 & 3 for characters 2, 3, 4). For characters with missing data and homoplasy, but no polymorphism (character 1), reconstruction of the ...
On the one hand, contextual information can be seen as a set of cues that humans use flexibly and discriminately to inform their cultural decisions. I assume that this is what most readers think of when they read the phrase ''conformity bias'' or ''prestige bias'': they assume that ...
As a very simple example, the evolution in time of the concentration of single vacancies, cV, can be described, if concentration gradients are neglected, by an equation of the type: 15.5dcVdt=GV—kV2DVcV—αcIcV Here GV is the vacancy production rate, both from irradiation (‘source term’...
(for example, age-specific growth rates) would be interesting to analyse as data become available. Intergenerational help can also be provided after the receiver has reached maturity: for example, in resident killer whales, females provide life-long investment to their adult sons at a cost to ...
The ecological niche can be thought of as a volume in multidimensional space, where each dimension describes an abiotic condition or biotic resource required by a species. The shape, size, and evolution of this volume strongly determine interactions amon
The most straightforward processes can clearly be classified as sources (outgassing from the interior) and sinks (atmospheric escape, chemical interaction with the surface) and are described herein. More complex interactions are left for the next section of this work. 2.1 The Source: Outgassing A ...