Evil Dead 2013 Bundle Hail to the King Bundle Immortal Power Bundle Who's Your Daddy Bundle Bonus Ash Outfits €49.99 Evil Dead: The Game PS4 & PS5 PS4PS5 Evil Dead: The Game €29.99 Platform: PS4, PS5 Release: 13/5/2022 Publisher: ...
Off-the-Wall Visuals- Whether you’re tearing a Deadite in 2 with Ash's chainsaw hand or flying across the map as the Kandarian Demon, realistic visuals & physics-based gore brings the horror to life! This...Is My Boomstick- Brandish your double barrel shotgun, chainsaw, cleavers and...
Ash Williams, the legendary hero from the Ash vs Evil Dead horror series, has entered the realm of the Entity. While this time the chainsaw is not his to wield, Ash knows how to escape gruesome death. Wander through The Fog as Ash and escape evil once more. During a weekend at a ca...
Special Features: Play as Horror Icon Ash Williams Wield Ash Williams’ chainsaw and trusty shotgun to take down evil across multiple levels of retro gameplay! Connect “Ash vs Evil Dead” with select RetroRealms titles (games and DLC sold separately), to unlock additional access and abilities...
Ash Williams, the legendary hero from the Ash vs Evil Dead horror series, has entered the realm of the Entity. While this time the chainsaw is not his to wield, Ash knows how to escape gruesome death. Wander through The Fog as Ash and escape evil once more. During a weekend at a ca...
Ash Williams, the legendary hero from the Ash vs Evil Dead horror series, has entered the realm of the Entity. While this time the chainsaw is not his to wield, Ash knows how to escape gruesome death. Wander through The Fog as Ash and escape evil once more. ...
The Game of the Year Edition of Evil Dead: The Game includes content from 6 DLC packs, including the new “Ash vs Evil Dead” “Who’s Your Daddy” DLC, and more:• Survivors: David, Mia, The Blacksmith, Ruby, and Brock• Demon: Schemer - Featuring the notorious Baal as the demo...
根据恐怖 血腥电影《鬼玩人》改编的 Ash vs Evil Dead《鬼玩人之艾什斗鬼》发布正式预告:LAsh vs Evil Dead _ Official Trailer _ STAR ;该剧可视作电影的续作,讲述当年唯一的幸存者Ash老年后再次遇到尸变袭击...Bruce Campbell重拾老角色Ash,除血腥暴力(完全符合Starz台的作风),还有很多恶搞元素,美国时间10.31日播...
Ash vs Evil Dead is a TV series developed by Sam & Ivan Raimi, Robert Tapert and Bruce Campbell with Campbell starring in the series as Ash Williams.[1][2][3] “Campbell reprises his role as Ash, the aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who
You can't be dead now. 尤其是在我们一同共度过 Not after everything we've been through, 如此多的苦难仇恨和... with all the bitterness, and the hatred and... 如今我们好不容易才冰释前嫌 and now we finally made peace with each other. 我很抱歉老大 I'm so sorry, Jefe. 你是对的这的确...