02/17/10 Reviews View All Reviews (6) MichaelWWE Posted this review 9 Pros: - Evil Dead - Chainsaw - Good Textures Cons: - The house is little bit to small, i think the L4D 1 version is better. Conclusion: I love the Evil Dead movies thats why i love this map. Developers...
"EVILDEADII" "鬼玩人2" Sowhat'sthisplacelike? 那究竟是个什么样的地方呢? Wellit'salittlerun-down... 有些荒芜 but,uh,it'srightupinthemountains. 在顶山上. Areyousureit'sdeserted? 你肯定那适吅人居住吗? Ohyeah...Ithinkso. 喔是的...我想是这样. ...
Evil Ash suddenly leaned out of the mirror's glass and grabbed his counterpart's shoulders, telling him "we just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound 'fine'?" He then grabbed Ash by the throat, and began to maniacally laugh as he started to strangle Williams. Ash ...
Evil Dead: The Game $29.99+ RETURN TO TOP Evil Dead: The Game - Game of the Year Edition $49.99+ Games includedEvil Dead: The Game Add-ons includedEvil Dead: The Game - Ash Williams Gallant Knight OutfitEvil Dead: The Game - Ash Williams S-Mart Employee OutfitEvil Dead: The Game -...
Off-the-Wall Visuals- Whether you’re tearing a Deadite in 2 with Ash's chainsaw hand or flying across the map as the Kandarian Demon, realistic visuals & physics-based gore brings the horror to life! This...Is My Boomstick- Brandish your double barrel shotgun, chainsaw, cleavers and...
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster HK$388.00HK$310.40+ -20% THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake HK$194.00 Greyhill Incident - Abducted Edition HK$234.00 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre HK$154.00+ Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition HK$154.00+ Dying Light 2: Stay Human - Reloaded Edition HK$469.00...
The Game of the Year Edition of Evil Dead: The Game includes content from 6 DLC packs, including the new “Ash vs Evil Dead” “Who’s Your Daddy” DLC, and more:• Survivors: David, Mia, The Blacksmith, Ruby, and Brock• Demon: Schemer - Featuring the notorious Baal as the demo...
Off-the-Wall Visuals - Whether you’re tearing a Deadite in 2 with Ash's chainsaw hand or flying across the map as the Kandarian Demon, realistic visuals & physics-based gore brings the horror to life! This...Is My Boomstick - Brandish your double barrel shotgun, chainsaw, cleavers ...
Or become the Demon yourself, using its powers of possession to stop the good guys dead and swallow their souls in exciting multiplayer matches.When you’re playing with up to three others to stop the forces of evil, using the classic Boomstick and chainsaw combo, or hunting down Ash as ...