EVIDENCE-based nursingCHILD patientsINFECTION preventionINFECTIOUS disease transmissionINFECTION controlNURSING informaticsPLANT protectionBackground: Reducing the risk of infection transmission by getting emergency care for pediatric patients is a challenging task. Aim: The study aim was t...
Igniting a Spirit of Inquiry: An Essential Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice How nurses can build the knowledge and skills they need to implement EBP. This is the first article in a new series from the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation's Center for the ...
Nurse Residency Programs: An Evidence-Based Review of Theory, Process, and Outcomes Nursing shortages exist worldwide while job stress, dissatisfaction, lack of peer support and limited professional opportunities still contribute to attrit... G Anderson,C Hair,C Todero - 《Journal of Professional ...
making—andaculturethatsup- portsitarelacking,cliniciansare unlikelytoembraceevidence-based practice(EBP).Everyday,nurses acrossthecarecontinuumperform amultitudeofinterventions(for example,administeringmedica- tion,positioning,suctioning) thatshouldstimulatequestions abouttheevidencesupporting theiruse.Whenanurse...
Nursing shortages and evidence-based interventions: a case study from Scotland In this report, key aspects of change in the labour market for nurses in Scotland are examined, and an integrated policy framework intended to improve nurs... J Buchan - 《International Nursing Review》 被引量: 44发...
[27,28,29]. Institutional quality is a multifaceted concept that gauges that state’s power to govern its resources for the benefit of the nation. According to the World Health Organization [30], states are responsible for designing a country’s health system based on two key pillars: ...
2-5 Therefore, primary care is a highly interesting domain for implementing predictive ML algorithms in daily clinical practice.6-8 Nevertheless, scientific literature describes the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), especially predictive ML algorithms, as limited and far behind other...
[1,3], including obesity. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken place at a time when the worldwide prevalence rate of overweight and obesity is greater than 39% for adults based on WHO data in 2016 [4]. The prevalence of obesity is particularly high in some countries such as the USA where...
Comparisons based on nativity status demonstrated that compared to U.S. born healthcare workers, non-U.S. born healthcare workers differed in sociodemographic characteristics and working conditions. After adjusting for sociodemographic covariates, non-U.S. born immigration status was associated with ...
There is also an unmet need for affordable medication for many NCDs in low and middle income countries [10], a problem resolved in HIV care through sustained commitments to disease control [10]. Addressing research, practice, and policy limitations are important steps towards alleviating the ...