Nurses report spending on average about 2 percent of their shift teaching peers and students (excluding shifts when nurses are in a dedicated teaching or “precepting” role), an activity they say they want to spend double the amount of time on. Peer-to-peer teaching is an...
(2017)who reviewed retractions in cancer research. It was our intention to register this study with the international register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO However, the application was considered outside of the scope of PROSPERO since the research ...
409 Words 2 Pages Open Document Letter to the Editor Deepa Wagle Sharma Medgar Evers College The City University of New York Prof. Grant NUR 421 October 23, 2014 October 23, 2014 Response by Deepa Wagle Sharma to the topic “Nursing Shortage: A Comparative Analysis” (July 1, 2012) Dear...
Most of the barriers to outbreak management reported in the literature were similar to the Irish experience and included staff shortages, lack of paid home isolation periods for staff who tested positive, issues with temporary staff, high turnover rates, lack of policies to support staff, and ...
Nursing shortages, combined with an increased workload in NH, lead to missed care for residents [56,57,58]. Delays in monitoring residents’ condition and rapid assessment by physicians can exacerbate situations that will be solved in NH by sending residents to ED [19, 48]. Providing NH ...
Notably, this model is reviewed annually with the involvement of multiple stakeholders, aiming to enhance cost determination and improve reimbursement efficiency [54]. Regarding nursing activities, to the best of our knowledge, only one study [52] reported the involvement of an expert panel for ...
Nursing shortages in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have been a repetitive phenomenon, usually due to an increasing demand for nurses outstripping static or a more slowly growing supply. Demand continues to grow, while projections for supply point to actual reductions in the availability of ...
In addition, a heavy workload and staff shortages in the clinical setting make it difficult for the clinical supervisors to find time to assess students properly. It is also known that the relationship between supervisor and student can affect the assessment [11]. To aid the assessment of ...
The concept is a neglected aspect of human resource for health thinking, and it remains understudied in low-income and middle-income country (LMIC) settings which have 90% of the global nursing workforce shortages. Our objective in this review was to document the preva- lence of missed ...
Iris Journal of Nursing & Care (IJNC) is an interdisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal aimed at exploring the novel strategies in the field of Nursing and care. The IJNC emphases on sharing data and information to support evidence-based practice