| events_waits_summary_by_instance | | events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name | | events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name | | file_instances | | file_summary_by_event_name | | file_summary_by_instance | | mutex_instances | | performance_timers | | rwlock_instances | | setup...
The events_waits_current table contains current wait events. The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored wait event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table size. ...
The events_waits_current table has these columns: THREAD_ID, EVENT_ID The thread associated with the event and the thread current event number when the event starts. The THREAD_ID and EVENT_ID values taken together uniquely identify the row. No two rows have the same pair of values. EN...
setup_consumers中的事件表有层级之分 ,我们可以通过上面看到有global、thread、current、history、history_long,他们之间的层级如下: global_instrumentation thread_instrumentation events_waits_current events_waits_history events_waits_history_long events_stages_current events_stages_history events_stages_history_long...
The table structure is identical to the events_waits_current table structure, and contains the following columns: ColumnDescription THREAD_ID Thread associated with the event. Together with EVENT_ID uniquely identifies the row. EVENT_ID Thread's current event number at the start of the event. Tog...
46events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm-rwxrwx---1mysql mysql99404月2908:46events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name.frm-rwxrwx---1mysql mysql93894月2908:46events_waits_current.frm-rwxrwx---1mysql mysql93894月2908:46events_waits_history.frm-rwxrwx---1mysql mysql93894...
配置好之后,我们就可以查看server当前正在做什么,可以通过查询events_waits_current表来得知,该表中每个线程只包含一行数据,用于显示每个线程的最新监视事件(正在做的事情): qogir_env@localhost : performance_schema 04:23:52> SELECT * FROM events_waits_current limit 1G ...
It has been described as “Tom Waits meets the Muppets.” Josh is a repeat guest on such nationally syndicated radio programs as NPR’s Talk of the Nation, The Mancow Show, and numerous podcasts including Getting Doug with High, and WTF with Mark Maron. He has been featured in numerous...
events_waits_current表包含当前的等待事件信息,每个线程只显示一行最近监视的等待事件的当前状态 在所有包含等待事件行的表中,events_waits_current表是最基础的数据来源。其他包含等待事件数据表在逻辑上是来源于events_waits_current表中的当前事件信息(汇总表除外)。例如,events_waits_history和events_waits_history_lon...
So instead I’ll just say that close of business Monday is my own lid, and anybody who waits until after then to try to get a bit of my CES time or attention only has themselves to blame for my ignoring their pitch. But considering that since I started writing this post, I’ve ...