}//主线程等待子线程初始化完毕CStatus s_w = event.Wait();if(!s_w.IsSuccess())returns_w;//判断子线程初始化是否成功if(!notifier.IsInitialSuccess())returnCStatus(-1,0,"In CThreadForMsgLoop::Run : Thread initial failed");elsereturnCStatus(0,0); } 开发者ID:yinjingyu,项目名称:LinuxDevel...
The other thread will wait for the event to be signaled // and then exit UINT __cdecl MyThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter) { CEvent* pEvent = (CEvent*)(lpParameter); VERIFY(pEvent != NULL); // Wait for the event to be signaled ::WaitForSingleObject(pEvent->m_hObject, INFINITE); // ...
wait on the eventCWinThread *pThread; pThread = ::AfxBeginThread(&MyThreadProc, pEvent,0,0, CREATE_SUSPENDED,NULL); pThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; pThread->ResumeThread();// Signal the thread to do the next work itempEvent->SetEvent();// Wait for the thread to consume the event ...
CM_SYSTEM_EVENT 主返回代码;等待完成不是因为操作已完成,而是因为发生了某些系统事件。 CM_PROGRAM_STATE_CHECK 主返回代码;程序没有未完成的未完成操作。 CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR 主返回代码;发生特定于产品的错误,并且已记录在产品错误日志中。 状态更改 ...
catenation-- cater vi cateringsaleseventsma caterpillar type sint catfish eats rubber b cathans rule catharina cathautograph cathay financial hold cathaya tree cathedral basilica of cathedral of saint eu catheptic enzyme catherine buffat catherine dyer catherine foster catherine hall cambri catherine of...
cover bilges with tar cover coat cover event cover glass for haemo cover it all up with cover n cover note cn cover platetop plate cover pool cover with rounded ba cover ground coverwith some sdil coverage area of a te coverage contour coverage criteria coveragecovering shot covered by sylv...
while (1) { int nready = epoll_wait(epfd, events, EVENT_SIZE, -1); for (i = 0;i < nready;i ++) { int sockfd = events[i].data.fd; if (sockfd == listenfd) { int connfd = accept(listenfd, xxx, xxxx); setnonblock(connfd); ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ev.data.fd...
// Wait for the event to be signaled ::WaitForSingleObject( pEvent->m_hObject, INFINITE ); // Terminate the thread ::AfxEndThread( 0, FALSE ); return 0L; } // This example builds upon the previous one. // A second thread is created to calculate prime numbers. ...
1、EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(String eventName) 静态方法,跨进程使用。判段已知的名称的自动事件是否存在 用AutoResetEvent实现一个类似于metux的锁。 AutoMutex am=newAutoMutex();for(inti =0; i <10; i++) {newThread(() =>{ am.Enter(); ...
要像O(1)的时间获取到最小的哪个值,用最小堆保存超时时间正合适,效率大大提高。事实上libevent就是这么实现的(C语言实现的min_heap_t)。 最小堆实现 先实现一个类Timer表示每一个被添加的定时,构造时需要一个millisecond为单位的超时时间,一个回调函数,一个回调函数的参数。为了简化实现,我测试用的超时的回调...