EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES 結構包含事件追蹤會話的相關信息,並搭配 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 使用。
EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES 结构包含有关事件跟踪会话的信息,并与 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 一起使用。
EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES_V2結構包含事件追蹤會話的相關信息,並搭配 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 使用。
Learn more about the Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.TraceEventHeaderProperties in the Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing namespace.
There is existing work on treating these properties in Event-B but it lacks a semantic treatment in terms of trace behaviors. Because timing properties require fairness assumptions, we use infinite traces and develop conditions under which all infinite traces of a machine satisfy trigger-response ...
The SharePointAreaEvent type exposes the following members.PropertiesExpand table NameDescription Area Ordinal Gets or sets the ordinal value. (Inherited from OrdinalEvent.)TopSee AlsoReferenceSharePointAreaEvent ClassMicrosoft.VisualStudio.IntelliTrace Namespace...
EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES 结构包含有关事件跟踪会话的信息,并与 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 一起使用。
We measured wildfire trace gases, PM2.5 (particulate matter\n≤2.5m in diameter), and black carbon and submicron aerosol\nscattering and absorption at 870 and 401nm. This may be the most extensive\nreal-time data for these wildfire smoke properties to date. Our range ...
In situ measurements of trace gases, PM, and aerosol optical properties during the 2017 NW US wildfire smoke eventIn mid-August through mid-September of 2017 a major wildfire smoke and haze episode strongly impacted most of the NW US and SW Canada. During this period our ground-based site ...
Properties NameDescription MethodToken Gets the IntelliTrace method token for the method where this event occurred. Ordinal Gets or sets the ordinal value. (Inherited from OrdinalEvent.) Top See Also Reference ExceptionEvent Class Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntelliTrace Namespace中文...