EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES_V2結構包含事件追蹤會話的相關信息,並搭配 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 使用。
EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES_V2 结构包含有关事件跟踪会话的信息,并与 StartTrace 和 ControlTrace 等 API 一起使用。
Adds a new real-time ETW trace stream to the relogger. Cancel Terminates the relogging process. Clone Creates a duplicate copy of an event. CloseTrace The CloseTrace function closes a trace processing session that was created with OpenTrace. ControlTraceA The ControlTraceA (ANSI) function (e...
EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER结构包含TraceEventInstance编写的所有事件通用的标准事件跟踪信息。 结构还包含事件跟踪类和相关父事件的注册句柄,用于跟踪事务实例或相关事件之间的分层关系。 语法 C++复制 typedefstruct_EVENT_INSTANCE_HEADER{USHORT Size;union{ USHORT FieldTypeFlags;struct{UCHAR HeaderType; UCHAR MarkerFlags;...
eventmesh-trace-plugin [ISSUE #4963] Updating version of pinpoint libraries to 3.0.0 (#5010) 8个月前 gradle/wrapper [ISSUE #4866] Add unified deps version identifier & Upgrade Gradle fro… 9个月前 resources update eventmesh architecture (#4946) 9个月前 style [ISSUE #4720]...
Examples of edge events are Windows processes, trace events from Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), a Web user session, or quantization of an analog signal. The valid time interval for the payload of an edge event is the difference between the timestamp of the Start event and the timestamp ...
Related to #11077, #11109, #11002, #8742 Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. NVDA is listening globally to many UIA elements. This causes a major performance hit when many events are received (#11109) As part o...
[Error] The client-side extension could not apply computer policy settings for '00 - C - Domain - Baseline (Enforced) {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}' because it failed with error code '0x80070002 The system cannot find the file specified.' See trace file for more details. (EventID...
Using an extrinsic WMI event class such as the members of the Win32_ProcessTrace family eliminates the need to set a polling interval with the WITHIN clause in the WQL event query. This may reduce the load on those machines on which it is running. The down side, however, is that once ...
TraceDurationValue TraceEvent TraceEvent Properties ActivityId AsClassicEvent AsGenericEvent AsTraceMessageEvent Channel ComponentId Data ExtendedData Flags HasValue HeaderProperties HeaderType Id Is32Bit IsClassic IsGeneric IsTraceLogging IsTraceMessage KernelTime Keyword Length Level LoggerI...