例句 释义: 全部,事件驱动模拟 更多例句筛选 1. Event-driven simulation modeling of warehousing system 基于事件驱动的仓储物流仿真模型研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Event-Driven Simulation of the CP-PLL in Frequency Hopping Systems 跳频系统中电荷泵锁相环的事件驱动仿真 www.ilib.cn©...
EDN Access — 07.04.96 Digital logic simulation: event-driven, cycle-based, and home-brewe Verilog Scheduling and Event Queue
int serviceHigh = 20; Simulation s = new Simulation(simulationLength, numTellers, arrivalLow, arrivalHigh, serviceLow, serviceHigh); // 运行模拟程序 s.runSimulation(); // 输出结果 s.printSimulationResults(); } } --- 客户1在时间0分Arrival ### CustomerID = 1 TellerID = 0 WaitTime = ...
P7 2 4 4 Priority Queues Event Driven Simulation optional Coursera是算法第4版-Coursera视频课程完整版(AI中文字幕),普林斯顿Sedgewick教授畅销著作,学算法与数据结构必看!的第36集视频,该合集共计58集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
EVENT-DRIVEN SIMULATION.A definition of the term "event-driven simulation" is presented. It refers to a computer model in which each possible event is contained in a logical module of code. Generally, these systems have stochastic decisions to determine whether and when an event should occur....
Here we describe a simulation approach that meets this requirement by adopting an event-driven methodology that encompasses both the spontaneous stochastic changes in microtubule state as well as the deterministic collisions. In contrast with finite time step simulations this technique is intrinsically ...
We present an efficient, event-driven simulation framework for large-scale networks of excitable hybrid automata (EHA), a particular kind of hybrid automata that we use to model excitable cells. A key aspect of EHA is that they possess protected modes of operation in which they are non-respons...
Although the simulation strategy is clearly stated, neither the model on which the simulation is based, nor the manipulated and measured variables are clear. This article presents an event-driven, fast, and easy-to-use dynamic simulator for multi-line metro systems. The simulator allows users to...
0<=DROP<=114DROP01516random.seed123456789017network.size SIZE18simulation.endtime CYCLE*CYCLES19simulation.logtime CYCLE2021### protocols === #这部分比较麻烦,全是新的玩意2223protocol.link peersim.core.IdleProtocol #网络还是选的之前的一样2425protocol.avg example.edaggregation.AverageED26protocol.avg....
An event-driven modeling and simulation technique, implemented in Matlab is presented in this paper. It enables rapid and accurate simulation as it only calculates the time instants of interest. This technique is successfully applied to behavioral modeling and simulation of a digital phase-locked loop...