前言 论文地址:Event-based Moving Object Detection and Tracking 背景 主要贡献: 概念及算法理论 1.运动补偿模型 2.事件计数图(Event Count Image) 3.时间图像(Time-image) 4. 最小化约束 算法具体实现 检测与跟踪实验 检测 跟踪 实验 前言 最近看了点新鲜玩意儿,事件相机,看了这篇文章算是入个门,感觉可以做...
This paper proposes a solution for object detection and tracking using event-based cameras. This new technology presents many advantages to address traditional cameras limitations; the most evident are the high dynamic range and temporal resolution. However, due to the different nature of the provided...
Event-Based Object Detection and Tracking - A Traffic Monitoring Use Case - Traffic monitoring is an important task in many scenarios, in urban roads to identify dangerous behavior and on-highway to check for vehicles moving in the wrong direction. This task is usually performed using conventional...
Event Stream-based Visual Object Tracking: A High-Resolution Benchmark Dataset and A Novel Baseline image-20240522212452864 目标:基于patch的tracking 采集了一个新的高分辨率数据集 使用了teacher-student network进行知识蒸馏,不过老师网络的输入不论是template还是target,都既有image的patch,又有events的patch;而st...
ACCVW 2018PCA-RECT: An Energy-Efficient Object Detection Approach for Event Cameras IROA 2018Event-Based Moving Object Detection and Tracking TPAMI 2019DART: Distribution Aware Retinal Transform for Event-Based Cameras ICME 2019Event-Based Vision Enhanced: A Joint Detection Framework in Autonomous Drivin... Multiple Object Tracking 一些工作专门针对多目标跟踪,例如Gómez-Rodríguez et al. (2010)为此目的提出了级联架构。Linares-Barranco et al. (2015)提出了一种格结构FPGA框架,该框架允许去除不相关事件噪声以跟踪多个对象。该系统能够适应快速/慢速和大/小的物体。
Silicon retinas, such as the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) and Asynchronous Time-based Imaging Sensor (ATIS), attempt to replicate some of the benefits of biological retinas and provide a vastly different paradigm in which to sense and process the visual world. Tasks such as tracking and object ...
Motion patterns are also used to detect the events that occur in the scene under surveillance by improving the detection, the tracking and behavior modeling, and understanding of the object in the scene. We define an event as the interesting phenomena which captures the user's attention (e.g....
4. Event-assisted Low-Light Video Object Segmentation 主题:在事件相机的帮助下对低光照条件下的视频进行目标分割。 5. Scene Adaptive Sparse Transformer for Event-based Object Detection 主题:改进已有的sparse transformer让其处理事件信号的速度加快,主要是加入了selective window and token模块。
Event-based object detection has recently garnered attention in the computer vision community due to the exceptional properties of event cameras, such as high dynamic range and no motion blur. However, feature asynchronism and sparsity cause invisible objects due to no relative motion to the camera...